Like human beings, the life of all other living beings on Earth deserves respect. A well maintained biodiversity is essential for a living planet, and is the basis for the survival and development of humanity. Protecting biodiversity contributes to the viability of Earth, and promotes the harmonious coexistence and sustainable development of human beings and nature.
From the perspective of global ecology and biodiversity, the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) should shift away from anthropocentrism towards a more ecocentric approach. Human beings and all other living organisms on Earth are common inhabitants of this planet. AI should be used to promote the conservation of biodiversity, to facilitate sufficient habitat for all living organisms, and to ensure that all living organisms have complete ecological functions in the ecosystem in which they live. When using ecosystem services, ethics, public order, and morality should be observed, and living organisms should not be subjected to unnecessary suffering. Endangered organisms with important ecological, scientific, or social value or with close emotional connections with humans should be particularly protected.
In order to promote the harmonious development of technology and ecology, especially to promote Biodiversity Conservation, with full considerations of international consensus such as the Convention on Biological Diversity, the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, and the UNESCO Declaration of Ethical Principles in relation to Climate Change, the following principles are proposed for the development and application of AI for Biodiversity Conservation:
作者:International Research Center for AI Ethics and Governance, Instituteof Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences,World Animal Protection Beijing Representative Office and other 7 entities