Various Artificial Intelligence Principles are designed with different considerations, and none of them can be perfect and complete for every scenario. Linking Artificial Intelligence Principles (LAIP) is an initiative and platform for integrating, synthesizing, analyzing, and promoting global Artificial Intelligence Principles and their social and technical practices World Wide, from different research institutes, non-profit organizations, non-governmental organizations, companies, etc. The efforts aim at understanding in which degree do these different AI Principles proposals share common values, differ and complete each other.
The current LAIP engine enables us to list and compare between different AI principle proposals at keywords, topic and paragraph levels.
Here we have the paper "Linking Artificial Intelligence Principles" that gives more details on the design philosophy and initial observations.
The following table presents an analysis of different AI Principles world wide (currently 91 proposals) from the perspective of coarser topics, which shows mainly on the consensus of various proposals.
The following table presents the analysis with finer topics (terms with the same color belong to the same coarser topic), and it indicates that none of the principle proposals cover every topic and different proposals actually complete each other. The current major outcome of the “Linking AI Principles” project is how these different proposals complete each other, instead of compete with each other.