
In order to fully utilize the opportunities brought by artificial intelligence, China and France are committed to deepening discussions on the international governance model of artificial intelligence. This governance should take into account the flexibility required for the rapid development of technology, while providing necessary protection for the rights of personal data, artificial intelligence users, and users whose works are used by artificial intelligence.
原则: 中华人民共和国和法兰西共和国关于人工智能和全球治理的联合声明, May 7, 2024

作者:China Government



China and France recognize the crucial role of artificial intelligence in development and innovation, while considering the range of challenges that the development and use of artificial intelligence may bring. They unanimously agree that promoting the development and security of artificial intelligence and promoting appropriate international governance for this purpose is crucial.

由 China Government 在 中华人民共和国和法兰西共和国关于人工智能和全球治理的联合声明发表, May 7, 2024


China and France are fully committed to promoting safe, reliable, and trustworthy artificial intelligence systems, adhering to the principle of "AI for good", and exploring the potential of artificial intelligence and reducing its risks through comprehensive and inclusive dialogue. Both sides will also rely on the work carried out at the United Nations level to strengthen international cooperation in artificial intelligence governance and interoperability between various artificial intelligence governance frameworks and initiatives, such as relying on the work carried out within the United Nations Secretary General's High level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence or on the basis of the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.

由 China Government 在 中华人民共和国和法兰西共和国关于人工智能和全球治理的联合声明发表, May 7, 2024

1. Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies should be designed, developed and used in respect of fundamental human rights and in accordance with the fairness principle, in particular by:

a. Considering individuals’ reasonable expectations by ensuring that the use of artificial intelligence systems remains consistent with their original purposes, and that the data are used in a way that is not incompatible with the original purpose of their collection, b. taking into consideration not only the impact that the use of artificial intelligence may have on the individual, but also the collective impact on groups and on society at large, c. ensuring that artificial intelligence systems are developed in a way that facilitates human development and does not obstruct or endanger it, thus recognizing the need for delineation and boundaries on certain uses,

由 40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC) 在 人工智能伦理与数据保护宣言(Declaration On Ethics And Data Protection In Artifical Intelligence)发表, Oct 23, 2018

3. Artificial intelligence systems transparency and intelligibility should be improved, with the objective of effective implementation, in particular by:

a. investing in public and private scientific research on explainable artificial intelligence, b. promoting transparency, intelligibility and reachability, for instance through the development of innovative ways of communication, taking into account the different levels of transparency and information required for each relevant audience, c. making organizations’ practices more transparent, notably by promoting algorithmic transparency and the auditability of systems, while ensuring meaningfulness of the information provided, and d. guaranteeing the right to informational self determination, notably by ensuring that individuals are always informed appropriately when they are interacting directly with an artificial intelligence system or when they provide personal data to be processed by such systems, e. providing adequate information on the purpose and effects of artificial intelligence systems in order to verify continuous alignment with expectation of individuals and to enable overall human control on such systems.

由 40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC) 在 人工智能伦理与数据保护宣言(Declaration On Ethics And Data Protection In Artifical Intelligence)发表, Oct 23, 2018

4. As part of an overall “ethics by design” approach, artificial intelligence systems should be designed and developed responsibly, by applying the principles of privacy by default and privacy by design, in particular by:

a. implementing technical and organizational measures and procedures – proportional to the type of system that is developed – to ensure that data subjects’ privacy and personal data are respected, both when determining the means of the processing and at the moment of data processing, b. assessing and documenting the expected impacts on individuals and society at the beginning of an artificial intelligence project and for relevant developments during its entire life cycle, and c. identifying specific requirements for ethical and fair use of the systems and for respecting human rights as part of the development and operations of any artificial intelligence system,

由 40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC) 在 人工智能伦理与数据保护宣言(Declaration On Ethics And Data Protection In Artifical Intelligence)发表, Oct 23, 2018