
原则: 全球人工智能治理倡议, October 18, 2023

作者:Cyberspace Administration of China


· (7) Innovation

To realize Society 5.0 and continuous innovation in which people evolve along with AI, it is necessary to account for national, industry academia, and public private borders, race, sex, nationality, age, political and religious beliefs, etc. Beyond these boundaries, through a Global perspective we must promote diversification and cooperation between industry academia public private sectors, through the development of human capabilities and technology. To encourage mutual collaboration and partnership between universities, research institutions and private sectors, and the flexible movement of talent. To implement AI efficiently and securely in society, methods for confirming the quality and reliability of AI and for efficient collection and maintenance of data utilized in AI must be promoted. Additionally, the establishment of AI engineering should also be promoted. This engineering includes methods for the development, testing and operation of AI. To ensure the sound development of AI technology, it is necessary to establish an accessible platform in which data from all fields can be mutually utilized across borders with no monopolies, while ensuring privacy and security. In addition, research and development environments should be created in which computer resources and highspeed networks are shared and utilized, to promote international collaboration and accelerate AI research. To promote implementation of AI technology, governments must promote regulatory reform to reduce impeding factors in AI related fields.

由 Cabinet Office, Government of Japan 在 以人类为中心的人工智能的社会原则(Social Principles of Human centric AI)发表, Dec 27, 2018


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a new area of human development. Currently, the fast development of AI around the globe has exerted profound influence on socioeconomic development and the progress of human civilization, and brought huge opportunities to the world. However, AI technologies also bring about unpredictable risks and complicated challenges. The governance of AI, a common task faced by all countries in the world, bears on the future of humanity. As global peace and development faces various challenges, all countries should commit to a vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security, and put equal emphasis on development and security. Countries should build consensus through dialogue and cooperation, and develop open, fair, and efficient governing mechanisms, in a bid to promote AI technologies to benefit humanity and contribute to building a community with a shared future for mankind. We call on all countries to enhance information exchange and technological cooperation on the governance of AI. We should work together to prevent risks, and develop AI governance frameworks, norms and standards based on broad consensus, so as to make AI technologies more secure, reliable, controllable, and equitable. We welcome governments, international organizations, companies, research institutes, civil organizations, and individuals to jointly promote the governance of AI under the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits. To make this happen, we would like to suggest the following:

由 Cyberspace Administration of China 在 全球人工智能治理倡议发表, October 18, 2023

(d) Justice, equity, and solidarity

AI should contribute to global justice and equal access to the benefits and advantages that AI, robotics and ‘autonomous’ systems can bring. Discriminatory biases in data sets used to train and run AI systems should be prevented or detected, reported and neutralised at the earliest stage possible. We need a concerted global effort towards equal access to ‘autonomous’ technologies and fair distribution of benefits and equal opportunities across and within societies. This includes the formulating of new models of fair distribution and benefit sharing apt to respond to the economic transformations caused by automation, digitalisation and AI, ensuring accessibility to core AI technologies, and facilitating training in STEM and digital disciplines, particularly with respect to disadvantaged regions and societal groups. Vigilance is required with respect to the downside of the detailed and massive data on individuals that accumulates and that will put pressure on the idea of solidarity, e.g. systems of mutual assistance such as in social insurance and healthcare. These processes may undermine social cohesion and give rise to radical individualism.

由 European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies, European Commission 在 伦理原则和民主先决条件(Ethical principles and democratic prerequisites)发表, Mar 9, 2018

· 2.5. International co operation for trustworthy AI

a) Governments, including developing countries and with stakeholders, should actively cooperate to advance these principles and to progress on responsible stewardship of trustworthy AI. b) Governments should work together in the OECD and other global and regional fora to foster the sharing of AI knowledge, as appropriate. They should encourage international, crosssectoral and open multi stakeholder initiatives to garner long term expertise on AI. c) Governments should promote the development of multi stakeholder, consensus driven global technical standards for interoperable and trustworthy AI. d) Governments should also encourage the development, and their own use, of internationally comparable metrics to measure AI research, development and deployment, and gather the evidence base to assess progress in the implementation of these principles.

由 The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 在 经合组织人工智能原则(OECD Principles on Artificial Intelligence)发表, May 22, 2019