· Safety Assurance Framework
Frontier AI developers must demonstrate to domestic authorities that the systems they develop or deploy will not cross red lines such as those defined in the IDAIS Beijing consensus statement.
To implement this, we need to build further scientific consensus on risks and red lines. Additionally, we should set early warning thresholds: levels of model capabilities indicating that a model may cross or come close to crossing a red line. This approach builds on and harmonizes the existing patchwork of voluntary commitments such as responsible scaling policies. Models whose capabilities fall below early warning thresholds require only limited testing and evaluation, while more rigorous assurance mechanisms are needed for advanced AI systems exceeding these early warning thresholds.
Although testing can alert us to risks, it only gives us a coarse grained understanding of a model. This is insufficient to provide safety guarantees for advanced AI systems. Developers should submit a high confidence safety case, i.e., a quantitative analysis that would convince the scientific community that their system design is safe, as is common practice in other safety critical engineering disciplines. Additionally, safety cases for sufficiently advanced systems should discuss organizational processes, including incentives and accountability structures, to favor safety.
Pre deployment testing, evaluation and assurance are not sufficient. Advanced AI systems may increasingly engage in complex multi agent interactions with other AI systems and users. This interaction may lead to emergent risks that are difficult to predict. Post deployment monitoring is a critical part of an overall assurance framework, and could include continuous automated assessment of model behavior, centralized AI incident tracking databases, and reporting of the integration of AI in critical systems. Further assurance should be provided by automated run time checks, such as by verifying that the assumptions of a safety case continue to hold and safely shutting down a model if operated in an out of scope environment.
States have a key role to play in ensuring safety assurance happens. States should mandate that developers conduct regular testing for concerning capabilities, with transparency provided through independent pre deployment audits by third parties granted sufficient access to developers’ staff, systems and records necessary to verify the developer’s claims. Additionally, for models exceeding early warning thresholds, states could require that independent experts approve a developer’s safety case prior to further training or deployment. Moreover, states can help institute ethical norms for AI engineering, for example by stipulating that engineers have an individual duty to protect the public interest similar to those held by medical or legal professionals. Finally, states will also need to build governance processes to ensure adequate post deployment monitoring.
While there may be variations in Safety Assurance Frameworks required nationally, states should collaborate to achieve mutual recognition and commensurability of frameworks.
由 IDAIS (International Dialogues on AI Safety) 在 IDAIS 威尼斯发表, Sept 5, 2024