3. Principle of collaboration
AI service providers, business users, and data providers should pay attention to the collaboration of AI systems or AI services. Users should take it into consideration that risks might occur and even be amplified when AI systems are to be networked.
[Main points to discuss]
A) Attention to the interconnectivity and interoperability of AI systems
AI network service providers may be expected to pay attention to the interconnectivity and interoperability of AI with consideration of the characteristics of AI to be used and its usage, in order to promote the benefits of AI through the sound progress of AI networking.
B) Address to the standardization of data formats, protocols, etc.
AI service providers and business users may be expected to address the standardization of data formats, protocols, etc. in order to promote cooperation among AI systems and between AI systems and other systems, etc. Also, data providers may be expected to address the standardization of data formats.
C) Attention to problems caused and amplified by AI networking
Although it is expected that collaboration of AI promotes the benefits, users may be expected to pay attention to the possibility that risks (e.g. the risk of loss of control by interconnecting or collaborating their AI systems with other AI systems, etc. through the Internet or other network) might be caused or amplified by AI networking.
[Problems (examples) over risks that might become realized and amplified by AI networking]
• Risks that one AI system's trouble, etc. spreads to the entire system.
• Risks of failures in the cooperation and adjustment between AI systems.
• Risks of failures in verifying the judgment and the decision making of AI (risks of failure to analyze the interactions between AI systems because the interactions become complicated).
• Risks that the influence of a small number of AI becomes too strong (risks of enterprises and individuals suffering disadvantage by the judgment of a few AI systems).
• Risks of the infringement of privacy as a result of information sharing across fields and the concentration of information to one specific AI.
• Risks of unexpected actions of AI.
由 Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Government of Japan 在 人工智能利用原则草案(Draft AI Utilization Principles)发表, Jul 17, 2018