
The development of artificial intelligence requires the concerted efforts of all countries and all parties, and we should actively establish norms and standards for the safe development of artificial intelligence at the international level, so as to avoid the security risks caused by incompatibility between technology and policies.
原则: 人工智能安全发展上海倡议(Shanghai Initiative for the Safe Development of Artificial Intelligence), Aug 30, 2019

作者:Shanghai Advisory Committee of Experts on Artificial Intelligence Industry Security



China and France are fully committed to promoting safe, reliable, and trustworthy artificial intelligence systems, adhering to the principle of "AI for good", and exploring the potential of artificial intelligence and reducing its risks through comprehensive and inclusive dialogue. Both sides will also rely on the work carried out at the United Nations level to strengthen international cooperation in artificial intelligence governance and interoperability between various artificial intelligence governance frameworks and initiatives, such as relying on the work carried out within the United Nations Secretary General's High level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence or on the basis of the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.

由 China Government 在 中华人民共和国和法兰西共和国关于人工智能和全球治理的联合声明发表, May 7, 2024


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a new area of human development. Currently, the fast development of AI around the globe has exerted profound influence on socioeconomic development and the progress of human civilization, and brought huge opportunities to the world. However, AI technologies also bring about unpredictable risks and complicated challenges. The governance of AI, a common task faced by all countries in the world, bears on the future of humanity. As global peace and development faces various challenges, all countries should commit to a vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security, and put equal emphasis on development and security. Countries should build consensus through dialogue and cooperation, and develop open, fair, and efficient governing mechanisms, in a bid to promote AI technologies to benefit humanity and contribute to building a community with a shared future for mankind. We call on all countries to enhance information exchange and technological cooperation on the governance of AI. We should work together to prevent risks, and develop AI governance frameworks, norms and standards based on broad consensus, so as to make AI technologies more secure, reliable, controllable, and equitable. We welcome governments, international organizations, companies, research institutes, civil organizations, and individuals to jointly promote the governance of AI under the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits. To make this happen, we would like to suggest the following:

由 Cyberspace Administration of China 在 全球人工智能治理倡议发表, October 18, 2023

1. Artificial intelligence should be developed for the common good and benefit of humanity.

The UK must seek to actively shape AI's development and utilisation, or risk passively acquiescing to its many likely consequences. A shared ethical AI framework is needed to give clarity as to how AI can best be used to benefit individuals and society. By establishing these principles, the UK can lead by example in the international community. We recommend that the Government convene a global summit of governments, academia and industry to establish international norms for the design, development, regulation and deployment of artificial intelligence. The prejudices of the past must not be unwittingly built into automated systems, and such systems must be carefully designed from the beginning, with input from as diverse a group of people as possible.

由 House of Lords of United Kingdom, Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence 在 人工智能伦理准则(AI Code)发表, Apr 16, 2018


Taking into consideration the principles above, the 40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners calls for common governance principles on artificial intelligence to be established, fostering concerted international efforts in this field, in order to ensure that its development and use take place in accordance with ethics and human values, and respect human dignity. These common governance principles must be able to tackle the challenges raised by the rapid evolutions of artificial intelligence technologies, on the basis of a multi stakeholder approach in order to address all cross sectoral issues at stake. They must take place at an international level since the development of artificial intelligence is a trans border phenomenon and may affect all humanity. The Conference should be involved in this international effort, working with and supporting general and sectoral authorities in other fields such as competition, market and consumer regulation.

由 40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC) 在 人工智能伦理与数据保护宣言(Declaration On Ethics And Data Protection In Artifical Intelligence)发表, Oct 23, 2018

6. Transparent regulation

The development of artificial intelligence should avoid the security risks caused by the technology black box, and it is necessary to ensure the unity of target functions and technologies through the establishment of reviewable, traceable, reputable regulatory mechanisms.

由 Shanghai Advisory Committee of Experts on Artificial Intelligence Industry Security 在 人工智能安全发展上海倡议(Shanghai Initiative for the Safe Development of Artificial Intelligence)发表, Aug 30, 2019