5. Human centric
AI systems should be designed with a clearly articulated public benefit that considers those who interact with the system and those who are affected by it. These groups should be meaningfully engaged throughout the system’s life cycle, to inform development and enhance operations. An approach to problem solving that embraces human centered design is strongly encouraged.
Why it matters
Clearly articulating a public benefit is an important step that enables meaningful dialogue early with affected groups and allows for measurement of success later.
Placing the focus on those who interact with the system and those who are affected by it ensures that the outcomes do not cause adverse effects in the process of creating additional efficiencies.
Developing algorithmic systems that incorporate human centred design will ensure better societal and economic outcomes from the data enhanced technologies.
由 Government of Ontario, Canada 在 人工智能伦理使用原则[草案]发表, Sept 14, 2023