Do no harm
All stages of an AI system lifecycle should be designed, developed, deployed and operated in ways that respect, protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Do no harm
The intended and unintended impact of AI systems, at any stage in their lifecycle, should be monitored in order to avoid causing or contributing to harm, including violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Fairness and non discrimination
AI systems should not lead to individuals being deceived or unjustifiably impaired in their human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Human autonomy and oversight
United Nations system organizations should ensure that AI systems do not overrule freedom and autonomy of human beings and should guarantee human oversight.
Transparency and explainability
Individuals should be meaningfully informed when a decision which may or will impact their rights, fundamental freedoms, entitlements, services or benefits, is informed by or made based on AI algorithms and have access to the reasons for a decision and the logic involved.