3.4 Fairness
3.4 fairness
3.4 Fairness
The principle of fairness refers to the protection of rights and integrity against discrimination, especially discrimination of particularly sensitive categorie.
3.4 Fairness
For example, in health care, the principle of fairness implies the prohibition of discrimination based on race, sex, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, age, nationality, social origin, religion, political or other conviction, financial status, culture, language, health status, type of illness, mental or physical disabilty, as well as other personal characteristics that maybe the cause of discrimination.
3.4 Fairness
The principle of fairness has its real (eng.
3.4 Fairness
The procedural dimension of fairness includes the ability to challenge and include effective legal protection against decisions resulting from the operation of the Artificial Intelligence System
3.4 Fairness
The fair use of Artificial lnteligence Systems can lead to an increase in fairness in society as a whole, as well as to a reduction of the differences that exist between individuals in terms of social, economic and educational status
3.4 Fairness
The fair use of Artificial lnteligence Systems can lead to an increase in fairness in society as a whole, as well as to a reduction of the differences that exist between individuals in terms of social, economic and educational status