We believe these Data and AI Ethics Principles will provide our colleagues and partners with the right foundations to build trustworthy, practical, and beneficial AI for our customers. These Data and AI Ethics Principles will evolve as the related industries continue to mature.

Principle: Data and AI ethics principles, 2023

Published by Thomson Reuters

Related Principles


Google aspires to create technologies that solve important problems and help people in their daily lives. We are optimistic about the incredible potential for AI and other advanced technologies to empower people, widely benefit current and future generations, and work for the common good. We believe that these technologies will promote innovation and further our mission to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. We recognize that these same technologies also raise important challenges that we need to address clearly, thoughtfully, and affirmatively. These principles set out our commitment to develop technology responsibly and establish specific application areas we will not pursue.

Published by Google in Artificial Intelligence at Google: Our Principles, Jun 7, 2018

2. Transparency

For cognitive systems to fulfill their world changing potential, it is vital that people have confidence in their recommendations, judgments and uses. Therefore, the IBM company will make clear: When and for what purposes AI is being applied in the cognitive solutions we develop and deploy. The major sources of data and expertise that inform the insights of cognitive solutions, as well as the methods used to train those systems and solutions. The principle that clients own their own business models and intellectual property and that they can use AI and cognitive systems to enhance the advantages they have built, often through years of experience. We will work with our clients to protect their data and insights, and will encourage our clients, partners and industry colleagues to adopt similar practices.

Published by IBM in Principles for the Cognitive Era, Jan 17, 2017

4. Cooperative Orientation

We will actively cooperate with other research and policy institutions; we seek to create a global community working together to address AGI’s global challenges. We are committed to providing public goods that help society navigate the path to AGI. Today this includes publishing most of our AI research, but we expect that safety and security concerns will reduce our traditional publishing in the future, while increasing the importance of sharing safety, policy, and standards research.

Published by OpenAI in OpenAI Charter, Apr 9, 2018

1. We are driven by our values

We recognize that, like with any technology, there is scope for AI to be used in ways that are not aligned with these guiding principles and the operational guidelines we are developing. In developing AI software we will remain true to our Human Rights Commitment Statement, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, laws, and widely accepted international norms. Wherever necessary, our AI Ethics Steering Committee will serve to advise our teams on how specific use cases are affected by these guiding principles. Where there is a conflict with our principles, we will endeavor to prevent the inappropriate use of our technology.

Published by SAP in SAP's Guiding Principles for Artificial Intelligence, Sep 18, 2018

4. We strive for transparency and integrity in all that we do

Our systems are held to specific standards in accordance with their level of technical ability and intended usage. Their input, capabilities, intended purpose, and limitations will be communicated clearly to our customers, and we provide means for oversight and control by customers and users. They are, and will always remain, in control of the deployment of our products. We actively support industry collaboration and will conduct research to further system transparency. We operate with integrity through our code of business conduct, our internal AI Ethics Steering Committee, and our external AI Ethics Advisory Panel.

Published by SAP in SAP's Guiding Principles for Artificial Intelligence, Sep 18, 2018