· Privacy and security

Big data collection and AI must comply with laws that regulate privacy and data collection, use and storage. AI data and algorithms must be protected against theft, and employers or AI providers need to inform employees, customers and partners of any breach of information, in particular PII, as soon as possible.
Principle: Toward a G20 Framework for Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace, Jul 19, 2018

Published by Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Canada

Related Principles

Privacy protection and security

Throughout their lifecycle, AI systems should respect and uphold privacy rights and data protection, and ensure the security of data. This principle aims to ensure respect for privacy and data protection when using AI systems. This includes ensuring proper data governance, and management, for all data used and generated by the AI system throughout its lifecycle. For example, maintaining privacy through appropriate data anonymisation where used by AI systems. Further, the connection between data, and inferences drawn from that data by AI systems, should be sound and assessed in an ongoing manner. This principle also aims to ensure appropriate data and AI system security measures are in place. This includes the identification of potential security vulnerabilities, and assurance of resilience to adversarial attacks. Security measures should account for unintended applications of AI systems, and potential abuse risks, with appropriate mitigation measures.

Published by Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Australian Government in AI Ethics Principles, Nov 7, 2019

· 2.4 Cybersecurity and Privacy

Just like technologies that have come before it, AI depends on strong cybersecurity and privacy provisions. We encourage governments to use strong, globally accepted and deployed cryptography and other security standards that enable trust and interoperability. We also promote voluntary information sharing on cyberattacks or hacks to better enable consumer protection. The tech sector incorporates strong security features into our products and services to advance trust, including using published algorithms as our default cryptography approach as they have the greatest trust among global stakeholders, and limiting access to encryption keys. Data and cybersecurity are integral to the success of AI. We believe for AI to flourish, users must trust that their personal and sensitive data is protected and handled appropriately. AI systems should use tools, including anonymized data, de identification, or aggregation to protect personally identifiable information whenever possible.

Published by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) in AI Policy Principles, Oct 24, 2017

5. Principle of security

Users and data providers should pay attention to the security of AI systems or AI services. [Main points to discuss] A) Implementation of security measures Users may be expected to pay attention to the security of AI and take reasonable measures in light of the technology level at that time. In addition, users may be expected to consider measures to be taken against security breaches of AI in advance. B) Service provision, etc. for security measures AI service providers may be expected, with regard to their AI services, to provide services for security measures to end users and share incident information with end users. C) Attention to security vulnerabilities of AI by learning inaccurate or inappropriate data Users and data providers may be expected to pay attention to the risk that AI’s security might become vulnerable by learning inaccurate or inappropriate data. [as referred to in supra 2) Principle of data quality―Main point B)]

Published by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Government of Japan in Draft AI Utilization Principles, Jul 17, 2018

6. Principle of privacy

Users and data providers should take into consideration that the utilization of AI systems or AI services will not infringe on the privacy of users’ or others. [Main points to discuss] A) Respect for the privacy of others With consideration of social contexts and reasonable expectations of people in the utilization of AI, users may be expected to respect the privacy of others in the utilization of AI. In addition, users may be expected to consider measures to be taken against privacy infringement caused by AI in advance. B) Respect for the privacy of others in the collection, analysis, provision, etc. of personal data Users and data providers may be expected to respect the privacy of others in the collection, analysis, provision, etc. of personal data used for learning or other methods of AI. C) Consideration for the privacy, etc. of the subject of profiling which uses AI In the case of profiling by using AI in fields where the judgments of AI might have significant influences on individual rights and interests, such as the fields of personnel evaluation, recruitment, and financing, AI service providers and business users may be expected to pay due consideration to the privacy, etc. of the subject of profiling. D) Attention to the infringement of the privacy of users’ or others Consumer users may be expected to pay attention not to give information that is highly confidential (including information on others as well as information on users’ themselves) to AI carelessly, by excessively empathizing with AI such as pet robots, or by other causes. E) Prevention of personal data leakage AI service providers, business users, and data providers may be expected to take appropriate measures so that personal data should not be provided by the judgments of AI to third parties without consent of the person.

Published by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Government of Japan in Draft AI Utilization Principles, Jul 17, 2018

4. Privacy Protection

Sony, in compliance with laws and regulations as well as applicable internal rules and policies, seeks to enhance the security and protection of customers' personal data acquired via products and services utilizing AI, and build an environment where said personal data is processed in ways that respect the intention and trust of customers.

Published by Sony Group in Sony Group AI Ethics Guidelines, Sep 25, 2018