3. We put our customers first.

We enrich and simplify our customers’ lives. If an AI system or the usage of customer related data helps us to benefit our customers, we embrace this opportunity to meet their demands and expectations. The aggregation and use of customer data – especially in AI systems – shall always be clear and serve a useful purpose towards our customers. Systems and processes that support in the background are as important as services that interact with our customers directly
Principle: Deutsche Telekom’s guidelines for artificial intelligence, May 11, 2018

Published by Deutsche Telekom

Related Principles

4. Data Governance

o Understanding how we use data, and the sources from which we obtain it, are key to our AI and ML principles. We maintain processes and systems to track and manage our data usage and retention from across ADP systems or processes. If we use external information in our models, such as government reports or industry terminologies, we understand the processes and impact of that information in our models. All data included in our ML models is monitored for changes that could alter the desired outcomes.

Published by ADP in ADP: Ethics in Artificial Intelligence, 2018 (unconfirmed)

2. Transparency

For cognitive systems to fulfill their world changing potential, it is vital that people have confidence in their recommendations, judgments and uses. Therefore, the IBM company will make clear: When and for what purposes AI is being applied in the cognitive solutions we develop and deploy. The major sources of data and expertise that inform the insights of cognitive solutions, as well as the methods used to train those systems and solutions. The principle that clients own their own business models and intellectual property and that they can use AI and cognitive systems to enhance the advantages they have built, often through years of experience. We will work with our clients to protect their data and insights, and will encourage our clients, partners and industry colleagues to adopt similar practices.

Published by IBM in Principles for the Cognitive Era, Jan 17, 2017

1. People first approach

We will use data and AI responsibly and for the good of our customers. We will define the objectives guiding our use of AI clearly and refine them if necessary based on changed data, technical possibilities and the working environment.

Published by OP Financial Group in OP Financial Group’s ethical guidelines for artificial intelligence, 2018 (unconfirmed)

3. We enable businesses beyond bias

Bias can negatively impact AI software and, in turn, individuals and our customers. This is particularly the case when there is a risk of causing discrimination or of unjustly impacting underrepresented groups. We, therefore, require our technical teams to gain a deep understanding of the business problems they are trying to solve, and the data quality this demands. We seek to increase the diversity and interdisciplinarity of our teams, and we are investigating new technical methods for mitigating biases. We are also deeply committed to supporting our customers in building even more diverse businesses by leveraging AI to build products that help move business beyond bias.

Published by SAP in SAP's Guiding Principles for Artificial Intelligence, Sep 18, 2018

4. We strive for transparency and integrity in all that we do

Our systems are held to specific standards in accordance with their level of technical ability and intended usage. Their input, capabilities, intended purpose, and limitations will be communicated clearly to our customers, and we provide means for oversight and control by customers and users. They are, and will always remain, in control of the deployment of our products. We actively support industry collaboration and will conduct research to further system transparency. We operate with integrity through our code of business conduct, our internal AI Ethics Steering Committee, and our external AI Ethics Advisory Panel.

Published by SAP in SAP's Guiding Principles for Artificial Intelligence, Sep 18, 2018