1. understand and measure the impact of using AI by developing and sharing tools and approaches

Principle: Responsible use of artificial intelligence (AI): Our guiding principles, 2019 (unconfirmed)

Published by Government of Canada

Related Principles

• Foster Innovation and Open Development

To better understand the impact of AI and explore the broad diversity of AI implementations, public policy should encourage investment in AI R&D. Governments should support the controlled testing of AI systems to help industry, academia, and other stakeholders improve the technology. [Recommendations] • Fuel AI innovation: Public policy should promote investment, make available funds for R&D, and address barriers to AI development and adoption. • Address global societal challenges: AI powered flagship initiatives should be funded to find solutions to the world’s greatest challenges such as curing cancer, ensuring food security, controlling climate change, and achieving inclusive economic growth. • Allow for experimentation: Governments should create the conditions necessary for the controlled testing and experimentation of AI in the real world, such as designating self driving test sites in cities. • Prepare a workforce for AI: Governments should create incentives for students to pursue courses of study that will allow them to create the next generation of AI. • Lead by example: Governments should lead the way on demonstrating the applications of AI in its interactions with citizens and invest sufficiently in infrastructure to support and deliver AI based services. • Partnering for AI: Governments should partner with industry, academia, and other stakeholders for the promotion of AI and debate ways to maximize its benefits for the economy.

Published by Intel in AI public policy principles, Oct 18, 2017


2.1. Risk based approach. The degree of attention paid to ethical AI issues and the nature of the relevant actions of AI Actors should be proportional to the assessment of the level of risk posed by specific AI technologies and systems for the interests of individuals and society. Risk level assessment shall take into account both known and possible risks, whereby the probability level of threats, as well as their possible scale in the short and long term shall be considered. Making decisions in the field of AI use that significantly affect society and the state should be accompanied by a scientifically verified, interdisciplinary forecast of socio economic consequences and risks and examination of possible changes in the paradigm of value and cultural development of the society. Development and use of an AI systems risk assessment methodology are encouraged in pursuance of this Code. 2.2. Responsible attitude. AI Actors should responsibly treat: • issues related to the influence of AI systems on society and citizens at every stage of the AI systems’ life cycle, i.a. on privacy, ethical, safe and responsible use of personal data; • the nature, degree and extent of damage that may result from the use of AI technologies and systems; • the selection and use of hardware and software utilized in different life cycles of AI systems. At the same time, the responsibility of AI Actors should correspond with the nature, degree and extent of damage that may occur as a result of the use of AI technologies and systems. The role in the life cycle of the AI system, as well as the degree of possible and real influence of a particular AI Actor on causing damage and its extent, should also be taken into account. 2.3. Precautions. When the activities of AI Actors can lead to morally unacceptable consequences for individuals and society, which can be reasonably predicted by the relevant AI Actor, the latter, should take measures to prohibit or limit the occurrence of such consequences. AI Actors shall use the provisions of this Code, including the mechanisms specified in Section 2, to assess the moral unacceptability of such consequences and discuss possible preventive measures. 2.4. No harm. AI Actors should not allow the use of AI technologies for the purpose of causing harm to human life and or health, the property of citizens and legal entities and the environment. Any use, including the design, development, testing, integration or operation of an AI system capable of purposefully causing harm to the environment, human life and or health, the property of citizens and legal entities, is prohibited. 2.5. Identification of AI in communication with a human. AI Actors are encouraged to ensure that users are duly informed of their interactions with AI systems when it affects human rights and critical areas of people’s lives and to ensure that such interaction can be terminated at the request of the user. 2.6. Data security. AI Actors must comply with the national legislation in the field of personal data and secrets protected by law when using AI systems; ensure the security and protection of personal data processed by AI systems or by AI Actors in order to develop and improve the AI systems; develop and integrate innovative methods to counter unauthorized access to personal data by third parties and use high quality and representative datasets obtained without breaking the law from reliable sources. 2.7. Information security. AI Actors should ensure the maximum possible protection from unauthorized interference of third parties in the operation of AI systems; integrate adequate information security technologies, i.a. use internal mechanisms designed to protect the AI system from unauthorized interventions and inform users and developers about such interventions; as well as promote the informing of users about the rules of information security during the use of AI systems. 2.8. Voluntary certification and Code compliance. AI Actors may implement voluntary certification systems to assess the compliance of developed AI technologies with the standards established by the national legislation and this Code. AI Actors may create voluntary certification and labeling systems for AI systems to indicate that these systems have passed voluntary certification procedures and confirm quality standards. 2.9. Control of the recursive self improvement of AI systems. AI Actors are encouraged to cooperate in identifying and verifying information about ways and forms of design of so called universal ("general") AI systems and prevention of possible threats they carry. The issues concerning the use of "general" AI technologies should be under the control of the state.

Published by AI Alliance Russia in AI Ethics Code (revised version), Oct 21, 2022 (unconfirmed)


5.1. Accuracy of AI systems comparisons. In order to maintain fair competition and effective cooperation of developers, AI Actors are encouraged to use the most reliable and comparable information about the capabilities of AI systems with regards to a certain task and ensure the uniformity of measurement methodologies when comparing AI systems with one another. 5.2. Development of competencies. AI Actors are encouraged to follow practices adopted in the professional community, maintain a proper level of professional competence required for safe and effective work with AI systems and promote the improvement of professional competence of experts in the field of AI, i.a. within programs and educational disciplines on AI ethics. 5.3. Cooperation of developers. AI Actors are encouraged to cooperate within their community and among developers in particular, i.a. through informing each other about the identification of critical vulnerabilities in order to prevent them from spreading, and make efforts to improve the quality and availability of resources in the field of AI systems development, i.a. by: • increasing the availability of data (including marked up data), • ensuring the compatibility of the developed AI systems where applicable; • creating conditions for the formation of a international school of AI technologies development, including publicly available repositories of libraries and network models, available development tools, open international frameworks, etc.; • sharing information about the best practices of AI technologies development; • organizing and hosting conferences, hackathons and public competitions, as well as high school and student Olympiads, or participating in them; • increasing the availability of knowledge and encouraging the use of open knowledge databases; • creating conditions for attracting investments in AI technologies development from private investors, business angels, venture funds and private equity funds; • stimulating scientific, educational and awareness raising activities in the field of AI by participating in the projects and activities of leading research centers and educational organizations.

Published by AI Alliance Russia in AI Ethics Code (revised version), Oct 21, 2022 (unconfirmed)


6.1. Reliability of information about AI systems. AI Actors are encouraged to provide AI systems users with reliable information about the AI systems and most effective methods of their use, harms, benefits acceptable areas and existing limitations of their use. 6.2. Awareness raising in the field of ethical AI application. AI Actors are encouraged to carry out activities aimed at increasing the level of trust and awareness of the citizens who use AI systems and the society at large, in the field of technologies being developed, the specifics of ethical use of AI systems and other issues related to AI systems development by all available means, i.a. by working on scientific and journalistic publications, organizing scientific and public conferences or seminars, as well as by adding the provisions about ethical behavior to the rules of AI systems operation for users and (or) operators, etc.

Published by AI Alliance Russia in AI Ethics Code (revised version), Oct 21, 2022 (unconfirmed)

Inclusion and participation

When designing, deploying and using AI systems, United Nations system organizations should take an inclusive, interdisciplinary and participatory approach, which promotes gender equality. They should conduct meaningful consultations with all relevant stakeholders and affected communities, in the process of defining the purpose of the AI system, identifying the underlying assumptions, determining the benefits, risks, harms and adverse impacts, and adopting prevention and mitigation measures.

Published by United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination in Principles for the Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence in the United Nations System, Sept 20, 2022