Global AI Governance Initiative

Principle: Global AI Governance Initiative, October 18, 2023

Published by Cyberspace Administration of China

Related Principles

· Openness and sharing

A cross regional, global, and comprehensive AI governance open cooperation platform should be established to share governance experience and methods of AI for children, to promote the common development of global governance of AI for children, and to empower the healthy development of children all over the world in the era of AI.

Published by Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI), Peking University, Tsinghua University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with enterprises that focus on AI development. in Artificial Intelligence for Children: Beijing Principles, Sep 14, 2020

· Sharing and cooperation

Climate change is a global issue, and human society should collaborate as a whole to handle it, supported by technologies like AI. Climate action requires the establishment of an international cooperation platform empowered by data and AI to promote global collaboration. The formation and use of a global climate change data platform, a global greenhouse gas emission monitoring platform, a global real time carbon trading data platform, and a global real time energy trading data platform should be promoted. Governments, academia, industry, users, professionals in climate change and AI, and other related fields should deeply collaborate to ensure that AI contributes positively to climate action and the achievement of global goals.

Published by International Research Center for AI Ethics and Governance, Instituteof Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other 10 entities in Principles on AI for Climate Action, April 26, 2022

A Proposed Model AI Governance Framework: Guiding Principles

Published by Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC), Singapore in A Proposed Model AI Governance Framework: Guiding Principles, Jan 23, 2019