· 13) Liberty and Privacy

The application of AI to personal data must not unreasonably curtail people’s real or perceived liberty.
Principle: Asilomar AI Principles, Jan 3-8, 2017

Published by Future of Life Institute (FLI), Beneficial AI 2017

Related Principles

· (3) Privacy

In society premised on AI, it is possible to estimate each person’s political position, economic situation, hobbies preferences, etc. with high accuracy from data on the data subject’s personal behavior. This means, when utilizing AI, that more careful treatment of personal data is necessary than simply utilizing personal information. To ensure that people are not suffered disadvantages from unexpected sharing or utilization of personal data through the internet for instance, each stakeholder must handle personal data based on the following principles. Companies or government should not infringe individual person’s freedom, dignity and equality in utilization of personal data with AI technologies. AI that uses personal data should have a mechanism that ensures accuracy and legitimacy and enable the person herself himself to be substantially involved in the management of her his privacy data. As a result, when using the AI, people can provide personal data without concerns and effectively benefit from the data they provide. Personal data must be properly protected according to its importance and sensitivity. Personal data varies from those unjust use of which would be likely to greatly affect rights and benefits of individuals (Typically thought and creed, medical history, criminal record, etc.) to those that are semi public in social life. Taking this into consideration, we have to pay enough attention to the balance between the use and protection of personal data based on the common understanding of society and the cultural background.

Published by Cabinet Office, Government of Japan in Social Principles of Human-centric AI, Dec 27, 2018

6. Principle of privacy

Users and data providers should take into consideration that the utilization of AI systems or AI services will not infringe on the privacy of users’ or others. [Main points to discuss] A) Respect for the privacy of others With consideration of social contexts and reasonable expectations of people in the utilization of AI, users may be expected to respect the privacy of others in the utilization of AI. In addition, users may be expected to consider measures to be taken against privacy infringement caused by AI in advance. B) Respect for the privacy of others in the collection, analysis, provision, etc. of personal data Users and data providers may be expected to respect the privacy of others in the collection, analysis, provision, etc. of personal data used for learning or other methods of AI. C) Consideration for the privacy, etc. of the subject of profiling which uses AI In the case of profiling by using AI in fields where the judgments of AI might have significant influences on individual rights and interests, such as the fields of personnel evaluation, recruitment, and financing, AI service providers and business users may be expected to pay due consideration to the privacy, etc. of the subject of profiling. D) Attention to the infringement of the privacy of users’ or others Consumer users may be expected to pay attention not to give information that is highly confidential (including information on others as well as information on users’ themselves) to AI carelessly, by excessively empathizing with AI such as pet robots, or by other causes. E) Prevention of personal data leakage AI service providers, business users, and data providers may be expected to take appropriate measures so that personal data should not be provided by the judgments of AI to third parties without consent of the person.

Published by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Government of Japan in Draft AI Utilization Principles, Jul 17, 2018

4. Privacy

[QUESTIONS] How can AI guarantee respect for personal privacy ? Do our personal data belong to us and should we have the right to delete them? Should we know with whom our personal data are shared and, more generally, who is using these data? Does it contravene ethical guidelines or social etiquette for AI to answer our e mails for us? What else could AI do in our name? [PRINCIPLES] ​The development of AI should offer guarantees respecting personal privacy and allowing people who use it to access their personal data as well as the kinds of information that any algorithm might use.

Published by University of Montreal, Forum on the Socially Responsible Development of AI in The Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence, Nov 3, 2017


Privacy and intimacy must be protected from AIS intrusion and data acquisition and archiving systems (DAAS). 1) Personal spaces in which people are not subjected to surveillance or digital evaluation must be protected from the intrusion of AIS and data acquisition and archiving systems (DAAS). 2) The intimacy of thoughts and emotions must be strictly protected from AIS and DAAS uses capable of causing harm, especially uses that impose moral judgments on people or their lifestyle choices. 3) People must always have the right to digital disconnection in their private lives, and AIS should explicitly offer the option to disconnect at regular intervals, without encouraging people to stay connected. 4) People must have extensive control over information regarding their preferences. AIS must not create individual preference profiles to influence the behavior of the individuals without their free and informed consent. 5) DAAS must guarantee data confidentiality and personal profile anonymity. 6) Every person must be able to exercise extensive control over their personal data, especially when it comes to its collection, use, and dissemination. Access to AIS and digital services by individuals must not be made conditional on their abandoning control or ownership of their personal data. 7) Individuals should be free to donate their personal data to research organizations in order to contribute to the advancement of knowledge. 8) The integrity of one’s personal identity must be guaranteed. AIS must not be used to imitate or alter a person’s appearance, voice, or other individual characteristics in order to damage one’s reputation or manipulate other people.

Published by University of Montreal in The Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence, Dec 4, 2018

· We will respect people’s privacy

1. AI systems should respect privacy and use the minimum intrusion necessary 2. AI systems should uphold high standards of data governance and security, protecting personal information 3. Surveillance or other AI driven technologies should not be deployed to the extent of violating internationally and or UAE’s accepted standards of privacy and human dignity and people rights

Published by Smart Dubai in Dubai's AI Principles, Jan 08, 2019