2. Value Alignment:

AI should be designed to align with the norms and values of your user group in mind.
Principle: Everyday Ethics for Artificial Intelligence: Five Areas of Ethical Focus, Sep 6, 2018

Published by IBM

Related Principles

· (2) Diversity & Inclusion

The society in which people with diverse backgrounds, concepts on priorities and mentality can pursue their own idea of happiness, be flexibly included to create new values, is one of the ideals in present world worth challenged to establish. AI is a technology powerful enough for us to reach such an ideal. With appropriate development and deployment of AI, we need to change the framework of society to reach such a goal.

Published by Cabinet Office, Government of Japan in Social Principles of Human-centric AI, Dec 27, 2018

· 10) Value Alignment

Highly autonomous AI systems should be designed so that their goals and behaviors can be assured to align with human values throughout their operation.

Published by Future of Life Institute (FLI), Beneficial AI 2017 in Asilomar AI Principles, Jan 3-8, 2017


The development and use of AIS must be compatible with maintaining social and cultural diversity and must not restrict the scope of lifestyle choices or personal experiences. 1) AIS development and use must not lead to the homogenization of society through the standardization of behaviours and opinions. 2) From the moment algorithms are conceived, AIS development and deployment must take into consideration the multitude of expressions of social and cultural diversity present in the society. 3) AI development environments, whether in research or industry, must be inclusive and reflect the diversity of the individuals and groups of the society. 4) AIS must avoid using acquired data to lock individuals into a user profile, fix their personal identity, or confine them to a filtering bubble, which would restrict and confine their possibilities for personal development — especially in fields such as education, justice, or business. 5) AIS must not be developed or used with the aim of limiting the free expression of ideas or the opportunity to hear diverse opinions, both of which being essential conditions of a democratic society. 6) For each service category, the AIS offering must be diversified to prevent de facto monopolies from forming and undermining individual freedoms.

Published by University of Montreal in The Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence, Dec 4, 2018

· Plan and Design:

1 It is essential to design and build a model that is based on the fundamental human rights and cultural values and principles that are applied within and on the AI system’s decisions, processes, and functionalities. 2 The designers of the AI model should define how the AI system will align with fundamental human rights and KSA’s cultural values while designing, building, and testing the technology; as well as how the AI system and its outcomes will strive to achieve and positively contribute to augment and complement human skills and capabilities.

Published by SDAIA in AI Ethics Principles, Sept 14, 2022

· We will promote human values, freedom and dignity

1. AI should improve society, and society should be consulted in a representative fashion to inform the development of AI 2. Humanity should retain the power to govern itself and make the final decision, with AI in an assisting role 3. AI systems should conform to international norms and standards with respect to human values and people rights and acceptable behaviour

Published by Smart Dubai in Dubai's AI Principles, Jan 08, 2019