4. We believe that AI research and development efforts need to be actively engaged with and accountable to a broad range of stakeholders.

Principle: Partnership on AI: Tenets, Sep 28, 2016 (unconfirmed)

Published by Partnership on AI

Related Principles

Collaborative and inclusive

We believe a technology that has the potential to impact all of society must be shaped by and accountable to all of society. We are therefore committed to supporting a range of public and academic dialogues about AI. By establishing ongoing collaboration between our researchers and the people affected by these new technologies, we seek to ensure that AI works for the benefit of all.

Published by DeepMind in DeepMind Ethics & Society Principles, Oct 3, 2017 (unconfirmed)

· 2.5. International co operation for trustworthy AI

a) Governments, including developing countries and with stakeholders, should actively cooperate to advance these principles and to progress on responsible stewardship of trustworthy AI. b) Governments should work together in the OECD and other global and regional fora to foster the sharing of AI knowledge, as appropriate. They should encourage international, crosssectoral and open multi stakeholder initiatives to garner long term expertise on AI. c) Governments should promote the development of multi stakeholder, consensus driven global technical standards for interoperable and trustworthy AI. d) Governments should also encourage the development, and their own use, of internationally comparable metrics to measure AI research, development and deployment, and gather the evidence base to assess progress in the implementation of these principles.

Published by G20 Ministerial Meeting on Trade and Digital Economy in G20 AI Principles, Jun 09, 2019

· 2.5. International co operation for trustworthy AI

a) Governments, including developing countries and with stakeholders, should actively cooperate to advance these principles and to progress on responsible stewardship of trustworthy AI. b) Governments should work together in the OECD and other global and regional fora to foster the sharing of AI knowledge, as appropriate. They should encourage international, crosssectoral and open multi stakeholder initiatives to garner long term expertise on AI. c) Governments should promote the development of multi stakeholder, consensus driven global technical standards for interoperable and trustworthy AI. d) Governments should also encourage the development, and their own use, of internationally comparable metrics to measure AI research, development and deployment, and gather the evidence base to assess progress in the implementation of these principles.

Published by The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in OECD Principles on Artificial Intelligence, May 22, 2019

4. Cooperative Orientation

We will actively cooperate with other research and policy institutions; we seek to create a global community working together to address AGI’s global challenges. We are committed to providing public goods that help society navigate the path to AGI. Today this includes publishing most of our AI research, but we expect that safety and security concerns will reduce our traditional publishing in the future, while increasing the importance of sharing safety, policy, and standards research.

Published by OpenAI in OpenAI Charter, Apr 9, 2018

9. Continuous review and dialogue

We acknowledge that the area of AI is complex and developing fast. We want to apply relevant industry best practice and participate in dialogues with other stakeholders for further development of AI and AI ethics, and of these Guiding Principles.

Published by Telia Company AB in Telia Company Guiding Principles on trusted AI ethics, Jan 22, 2019