4. The ultimate ideal of AI is to bring more freedom and possibility to mankind.

Principle: Four principles of AI ethics, May 26, 2018

Published by Robin Li, co-founder and CEO of Baidu

Related Principles

· (2) Diversity & Inclusion

The society in which people with diverse backgrounds, concepts on priorities and mentality can pursue their own idea of happiness, be flexibly included to create new values, is one of the ideals in present world worth challenged to establish. AI is a technology powerful enough for us to reach such an ideal. With appropriate development and deployment of AI, we need to change the framework of society to reach such a goal.

Published by Cabinet Office, Government of Japan in Social Principles of Human-centric AI, Dec 27, 2018


AI has arrived, and it is a technology that has the potential to change the world as we know it so far. It is technology that, with its development has the ability to generate an infinite amount of benefits and improve the quality of life of humanity. Similarly, AI opens the way to risky situations and raises questions about their use and their effects. At this point, it appears necessary to incorporate the ethical dimension to illuminate the development of AI, and make distinctions of its correct or incorrect use. At IA Latam, we collaboratively understand the creation of ethical criteria of self adherence that help us and guide all of us to follow the best possible path, always having as a north a better planet for the new generations. As the technologies advance, the ethical ramifications will be more relevant, where the conversation is no longer based on a "fulfill" but rather on a "we are doing the right thing and getting better". For this reason, in IA LATAM we present below our first Declaration of Ethical Principles for Latin American AI that we hope will be a starting point and a great help for all.

Published by IA Latam in Declaration Of Ethics For The Development And Use Of Artificial Intelligence (unofficial translation), Feb 8, 2019 (unconfirmed)

3. Human centric AI

AI should be at the service of society and generate tangible benefits for people. AI systems should always stay under human control and be driven by value based considerations. Telefónica is conscious of the fact that the implementation of AI in our products and services should in no way lead to a negative impact on human rights or the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. We are concerned about the potential use of AI for the creation or spreading of fake news, technology addiction, and the potential reinforcement of societal bias in algorithms in general. We commit to working towards avoiding these tendencies to the extent it is within our realm of control.

Published by Telefónica in AI Principles of Telefónica, Oct 30, 2018