· 1) Eco friendly System:

Artificial intelligence should entail the sustainable development of human beings. We are committed to conducting eco friendly research and services such as model cutting and optimization, high performance hardware architecture, and green data centers.
Principle: Chinese Young Scientists’ Declaration on the Governance and Innovation of Artificial Intelligence, Aug 29, 2019

Published by Youth Work Committee of Shanghai Computer Society

Related Principles


Artificial intelligence is an important driving force for a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, which will bring revolutionary changes to people's production methods and lifestyles. Establish a correct view of artificial intelligence development; clarify the basic principles and operational guides for the development and use of artificial intelligence; help to build an inclusive and shared, fair and orderly development environment; and form a sustainable development model that is safe secure, trustworthy, rational, and responsible. As enterprises, universities, research institutes, and industry organizations that research, design, manufacture, operate, and service artificial intelligence; to promote ethics and self discipline in China's artificial intelligence industry; to guide and standardize the behavior of practitioners; we make the following commitments:

Published by Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance (AIIA), China in Joint Pledge on Artificial Intelligence Industry Self-Discipline (Draft for Comment), May 31, 2019

· (7) Innovation

To realize Society 5.0 and continuous innovation in which people evolve along with AI, it is necessary to account for national, industry academia, and public private borders, race, sex, nationality, age, political and religious beliefs, etc. Beyond these boundaries, through a Global perspective we must promote diversification and cooperation between industry academia public private sectors, through the development of human capabilities and technology. To encourage mutual collaboration and partnership between universities, research institutions and private sectors, and the flexible movement of talent. To implement AI efficiently and securely in society, methods for confirming the quality and reliability of AI and for efficient collection and maintenance of data utilized in AI must be promoted. Additionally, the establishment of AI engineering should also be promoted. This engineering includes methods for the development, testing and operation of AI. To ensure the sound development of AI technology, it is necessary to establish an accessible platform in which data from all fields can be mutually utilized across borders with no monopolies, while ensuring privacy and security. In addition, research and development environments should be created in which computer resources and highspeed networks are shared and utilized, to promote international collaboration and accelerate AI research. To promote implementation of AI technology, governments must promote regulatory reform to reduce impeding factors in AI related fields.

Published by Cabinet Office, Government of Japan in Social Principles of Human-centric AI, Dec 27, 2018

· Energy conservation

The development and use of AI should reduce its own energy consumption as much as possible while meeting specific needs. AI applications with high energy consumption should follow the necessary principles and alternative solutions with relatively low energy consumption should be actively explored. For example, simplifying the AI model within the acceptable range of loss, optimizing the model training method, and co design of software and hardware to achieve the expected level of intelligence with low energy consumption. The potential approach includes but is not limited to smart and low energy consumption. Considering the type and application characteristics of electric power comprehensively, and planning for rational use, where appropriate, green power are encouraged to be used, and efforts on reducing the cost of power storage should be continuously made. It is encouraged to train AI models and algorithms and deploy AI applications in areas where electric power is relatively cheap, and adopt solutions that consume less energy for server cooling as much as possible.

Published by International Research Center for AI Ethics and Governance, Instituteof Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other 10 entities in Principles on AI for Climate Action, April 26, 2022

Uphold high standards of scientific and technological excellence

Rebellion is committed to scientific excellence as we advance the development, testing, and deployment of artificial intelligence and other technologies. We believe AI should be interpretable and explainable to its human users. Because AI models are evolving so quickly, we will always seek out best practices as they evolve in artificial intelligence and throughout the software and defense industries. We strive for scientific rigor such that all scientific investigations, research, and practices are conducted with the highest level of precision and accuracy. This includes strict adherence to protocols, accurate data collection and analysis, and careful interpretation of results. Our team communicates research findings and methodologies clearly and openly in a manner that allows for the replication of results by independent researchers. Black box systems are antithetical to these standards. We build our technology to be intuitive and explainable in simple terms. In addition, we ensure the safety and security of the research, development, and production environments.

Published by Rebelliondefense in AI Ethical Principles, January 2023

· Plan and Design:

1 It is essential to design and build a model that is based on the fundamental human rights and cultural values and principles that are applied within and on the AI system’s decisions, processes, and functionalities. 2 The designers of the AI model should define how the AI system will align with fundamental human rights and KSA’s cultural values while designing, building, and testing the technology; as well as how the AI system and its outcomes will strive to achieve and positively contribute to augment and complement human skills and capabilities.

Published by SDAIA in AI Ethics Principles, Sept 14, 2022