
Principle: Dubai's AI Principles, Jan 08, 2019

Published by Smart Dubai

Related Principles

(b) Inclusiveness:

AI should be inclusive, aiming to avoid bias and allowing for diversity and avoiding a new digital divide.

Published by The Extended Working Group on Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), UNESCO in Suggested generic principles for the development, implementation and use of AI, Mar 21, 2019


AI systems should empower everyone and engage people.

Published by Microsoft in Microsoft AI Principles, Jan 17, 2018 (unconfirmed)

· Human oriented approach

Respect human dignity, rights and freedoms, and cultural diversity

Published by Tencent Research Institute in "ARCC": An Ethical Framework for Artificial Intelligence, Sep 18, 2018

Fairness & equality

Unbiased, fair and inclusive AI fostering diversity and equality among people.

Published by Tieto in Tieto’s AI ethics guidelines, Oct 17, 2018

Human Rights, Diversity and Inclusivity

We will ensure that we respect international human rights standards and best practice around ensuring AI systems foster diversity, accessibility and inclusivity.

Published by Vodafone Group in Vodafone's AI Framework, Jun 11, 2019