2. AI shall be transparent.

Transparency is the ability to trace cause and effect in the decision making pathways of algorithms and, in hybrid intelligence systems, of their operators.
Principle: Principles for the Governance of AI, Oct 3, 2017 (unconfirmed)

Published by The Future Society, Science, Law and Society (SLS) Initiative

Related Principles

1. Transparency and Explainability

Transparency refers to providing disclosure on when an AI system is being used and the involvement of an AI system in decision making, what kind of data it uses, and its purpose. By disclosing to individuals that AI is used in the system, individuals will become aware and can make an informed choice of whether to use the AIenabled system. Explainability is the ability to communicate the reasoning behind an AI system’s decision in a way that is understandable to a range of people, as it is not always clear how an AI system has arrived at a conclusion. This allows individuals to know the factors contributing to the AI system’s recommendation. In order to build public trust in AI, it is important to ensure that users are aware of the use of AI technology and understand how information from their interaction is used and how the AI system makes its decisions using the information provided. In line with the principle of transparency, deployers have a responsibility to clearly disclose the implementation of an AI system to stakeholders and foster general awareness of the AI system being used. With the increasing use of AI in many businesses and industries, the public is becoming more aware and interested in knowing when they are interacting with AI systems. Knowing when and how AI systems interact with users is also important in helping users discern the potential harm of interacting with an AI system that is not behaving as intended. In the past, AI algorithms have been found to discriminate against female job applicants and have failed to accurately recognise the faces of dark skinned women. It is important for users to be aware of the expected behaviour of the AI systems so they can make more informed decisions about the potential harm of interacting with AI systems. An example of transparency in an AI enabled ecommerce platform is informing users that their purchase history is used by the platform’s recommendation algorithm to identify similar products and display them on the users’ feeds. In line with the principle of explainability, developers and deployers designing, developing, and deploying AI systems should also strive to foster general understanding among users of how such systems work with simple and easy to understand explanations on how the AI system makes decisions. Understanding how AI systems work will help humans know when to trust its decisions. Explanations can have varying degrees of complexity, ranging from a simple text explanation of which factors more significantly affected the decisionmaking process to displaying a heatmap over the relevant text or on the area of an image that led to the system’s decision. For example, when an AI system is used to predict the likelihood of cardiac arrest in patients, explainability can be implemented by informing medical professionals of the most significant factors (e.g., age, blood pressure, etc.) that influenced the AI system’s decision so that they can subsequently make informed decisions on their own. Where “black box” models are deployed, rendering it difficult, if not impossible to provide explanations as to the workings of the AI system, outcome based explanations, with a focus on explaining the impact of decisionmaking or results flowing from the AI system may be relied on. Alternatively, deployers may also consider focusing on aspects relating to the quality of the AI system or preparing information that could build user confidence in the outcomes of an AI system’s processing behaviour. Some of these measures are: • Documenting the repeatability of results produced by the AI system. Some practices to demonstrate repeatability include conducting repeatability assessments to ensure deployments in live environments are repeatable and performing counterfactual fairness testing to ensure that the AI system’s decisions are the same in both the real world and in the counterfactual world. Repeatability refers to the ability of the system to consistently obtain the same results, given the same scenario. Repeatability often applies within the same environment, with the same data and the same computational conditions. • Ensuring traceability by building an audit trail to document the AI system development and decisionmaking process, implementing a black box recorder that captures all input data streams, or storing data appropriately to avoid degradation and alteration. • Facilitating auditability by keeping a comprehensive record of data provenance, procurement, preprocessing, lineage, storage, and security. Such information can also be centralised digitally in a process log to increase capacity to cater the presentation of results to different tiers of stakeholders with different interests and levels of expertise. Deployers should, however, note that auditability does not necessarily entail making certain confidential information about business models or intellectual property related to the AI system publicly available. A risk based approach can be taken towards identifying the subset of AI enabled features in the AI system for which implemented auditability is necessary to align with regulatory requirements or industry practices. • Using AI Model Cards, which are short documents accompanying trained machine learning models that disclose the context in which models are intended to be used, details of the performance evaluation procedures, and other relevant information. In cases where AI systems are procured directly from developers, deployers will have to work together with these developers to achieve transparency. More on this will be covered in later sections of the Guide.

Published by ASEAN in ASEAN Guide on AI Governance and Ethics, 2021

· 5. The Principle of Explicability: “Operate transparently”

Transparency is key to building and maintaining citizen’s trust in the developers of AI systems and AI systems themselves. Both technological and business model transparency matter from an ethical standpoint. Technological transparency implies that AI systems be auditable, comprehensible and intelligible by human beings at varying levels of comprehension and expertise. Business model transparency means that human beings are knowingly informed of the intention of developers and technology implementers of AI systems. Explicability is a precondition for achieving informed consent from individuals interacting with AI systems and in order to ensure that the principle of explicability and non maleficence are achieved the requirement of informed consent should be sought. Explicability also requires accountability measures be put in place. Individuals and groups may request evidence of the baseline parameters and instructions given as inputs for AI decision making (the discovery or prediction sought by an AI system or the factors involved in the discovery or prediction made) by the organisations and developers of an AI system, the technology implementers, or another party in the supply chain.

Published by The European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence in Draft Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, Dec 18, 2018

Principle 6 – Transparency & Explainability

The transparency and explainability principle is crucial for building and maintaining trust in AI systems and technologies. AI systems must be built with a high level of clarity and explainability as well as features to track the stages of automated decision making, particularly those that may lead to detrimental effects on data subjects. It follows that data, algorithms, capabilities, processes, and purpose of the AI system need to be transparent and communicated as well as explainable to those who are directly and indirectly affected. The degree to which the system is traceable, auditable, transparent, and explainable is dependent on the context and purpose of the AI system and the severity of the outcomes that may result from the technology. AI systems and their designers should be able to justify how the rationale behind their design, practices, processes, algorithms, and decisions or behaviors are ethically permissible, nondiscriminatory, and nonharmful to the public.

Published by SDAIA in AI Ethics Principles, Sept 14, 2022

· Plan and Design:

1 When designing a transparent and trusted AI system, it is vital to ensure that stakeholders affected by AI systems are fully aware and informed of how outcomes are processed. They should further be given access to and an explanation of the rationale for decisions made by the AI technology in an understandable and contextual manner. Decisions should be traceable. AI system owners must define the level of transparency for different stakeholders on the technology based on data privacy, sensitivity, and authorization of the stakeholders. 2 The AI system should be designed to include an information section in the platform to give an overview of the AI model decisions as part of the overall transparency application of the technology. Information sharing as a sub principle should be adhered to with end users and stakeholders of the AI system upon request or open to the public, depending on the nature of the AI system and target market. The model should establish a process mechanism to log and address issues and complaints that arise to be able to resolve them in a transparent and explainable manner. Prepare Input Data: 1 The data sets and the processes that yield the AI system’s decision should be documented to the best possible standard to allow for traceability and an increase in transparency. 2 The data sets should be assessed in the context of their accuracy, suitability, validity, and source. This has a direct effect on the training and implementation of these systems since the criteria for the data’s organization, and structuring must be transparent and explainable in their acquisition and collection adhering to data privacy regulations and intellectual property standards and controls.

Published by SDAIA in AI Ethics Principles, Sept 14, 2022

· Build and Validate:

1 Transparency in AI is thought about from two perspectives, the first is the process behind it (the design and implementation practices that lead to an algorithmically supported outcome) and the second is in terms of its product (the content and justification of that outcome). Algorithms should be developed in a transparent way to ensure that input transparency is evident and explainable to the end users of the AI system to be able to provide evidence and information on the data used to process the decisions that have been processed. 2 Transparent and explainable algorithms ensure that stakeholders affected by AI systems, both individuals and communities, are fully informed when an outcome is processed by the AI system by providing the opportunity to request explanatory information from the AI system owner. This enables the identification of the AI decision and its respective analysis which facilitates its auditability as well as its explainability. 3 If the AI system is built by a third party, AI system owners should make sure that an AI Ethics due diligence is carried out and all the documentation are accessible and traceable before procurement or sign off.

Published by SDAIA in AI Ethics Principles, Sept 14, 2022