That Thomson Reuters will strive to maintain meaningful human involvement, and design, develop and deploy AI products and services and use data in a manner that treats people fairly.

Principle: Data and AI ethics principles, 2023

Published by Thomson Reuters

Related Principles

Design for human control, accountability, and intended use

Humans should have ultimate control of our technology, and we strive to prevent unintended use of our products. Our user experience enforces accountability, responsible use, and transparency of consequences. We build protections into our products to detect and avoid unintended system behaviors. We achieve this through modern software engineering and rigorous testing on our entire systems including their constituent data and AI products, in isolation and in concert. Additionally, we rely on ongoing user research to help ensure that our products function as expected and can be appropriately disabled when necessary. Accountability is enforced by providing customers with insight into the provenance of data sources, methodologies, and design processes in easily understood and transparent language. Effective governance β€” of data, models, and software β€” is foundational to the ethical and accountable deployment of AI.

Published by Rebelliondefense in AI Ethical Principles, January 2023

2. Ensure inclusion of and for children

Strive for diversity amongst those who design, develop, collect and process data, implement, research, regulate and oversee AI systems. Adopt an inclusive design approach when developing AI products that will be used by children or impact them. Support meaningful child participation, both in AI policies and in the design and development processes.

Published by United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Ministry of in Requirements for child-centred AI, Sep 16, 2020