That Thomson Reuters will implement practices intended to make the use of data and AI in our products and services understandable.

Principle: Data and AI ethics principles, 2023

Published by Thomson Reuters

Related Principles

10.Principle of accountability

AI service providers and business users should make efforts to fulfill their accountability to the stakeholders including consumer users and indirect users. [Main points to discuss] A) Efforts to fulfill accountability In light of the characteristics of AI to be used and its purpose, etc., AI service providers and business users may be expected to make efforts to establish appropriate accountability to consumer users, indirect users, and third parties affected by the use of AI, to gain enough trust in AI from people and society. B) Notification and publication of usage policy on AI systems or AI services AI service providers and business users may be expected to notify or announce the usage policy on AI (the fact that they provide AI services, the scope and manner of proper AI utilization, the risks associated with the utilization, and the establishment of a consultation desk) in order to enable consumer users and indirect users to recognize properly the usage of AI. In light of the characteristics of the technologies to be used and their usage, we have to focus on which cases will lead to the usage policy is expected to be notified or announced as well as what content is expected to be included in the usage policy.

Published by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Government of Japan in Draft AI Utilization Principles, Jul 17, 2018

6. Pursuit of Transparency

During the planning and design stages for its products and services that utilize AI, Sony will strive to introduce methods of capturing the reasoning behind the decisions made by AI utilized in said products and services. Additionally, it will endeavor to provide intelligible explanations and information to customers about the possible impact of using these products and services.

Published by Sony Group in Sony Group AI Ethics Guidelines, Sep 25, 2018