
1. For the definition of "children", it is recommended that reference be made to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the provisions of each country or region. 2. The description of values and children's rights mentioned here is partially based on the text of the UNCRC.
Principle: Artificial Intelligence for Children: Beijing Principles, Sep 14, 2020

Published by Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI), Peking University, Tsinghua University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with enterprises that focus on AI development.

Related Principles

Transparency Principle

The elements of the Transparency Principle can be found in several modern privacy laws, including the US Privacy Act, the EU Data Protection Directive, the GDPR, and the Council of Europe Convention 108. The aim of this principle is to enable independent accountability for automated decisions, with a primary emphasis on the right of the individual to know the basis of an adverse determination. In practical terms, it may not be possible for an individual to interpret the basis of a particular decision, but this does not obviate the need to ensure that such an explanation is possible.

Published by Center for AI and Digital Policy in Universal Guidelines for AI, Oct, 2018


The Code of Ethics in the Field of Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter referred to as the Code) establishes the general ethical principles and standards of conduct that should be followed by participants in relation to the field of artificial intelligence (hereinafter referred to as AI Actors) in their activities, as well as the mechanisms for the implementation of the provisions of this Code. The Code applies to relationships related to the ethical aspects of the creation (design, construction, piloting), implementation and use of AI technologies at all stages that are currently not regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and or by acts of technical regulation. The recommendations of this Code are designed for artificial intelligence systems (hereinafter referred to as AIS) used exclusively for civil (not military) purposes. The provisions of the Code can be expanded and or specified for individual groups of AI Actors in industry specific or local documents on ethics in the field of AI, considering the development of technologies, the specifics of the tasks being solved, the class and purpose of the AIS and the level of possible risks, as well as the specific context and environment in which the AIS are being used.

Published by AI Alliance Russia in Artificial Intelligence Code of Ethics, Oct 26, 2021


3.1. Supervision. AI Actors should provide comprehensive human supervision of any AIS to the extent and manner depending on the purpose of the AIS, including, for example, recording significant human decisions at all stages of the AIS life cycle or making provisions for the registration of the work of the AIS. They should also ensure the transparency of AIS use, including the possibility of cancellation by a person and (or) the prevention of making socially and legally significant decisions and actions by the AIS at any stage in its life cycle, where reasonably applicable. 3.2. Responsibility. AI Actors should not allow the transfer of rights of responsible moral choice to the AIS or delegate responsibility for the consequences of the AIS’s decision making. A person (an individual or legal entity recognized as the subject of responsibility in accordance with the legislation in force of the Russian Federation) must always be responsible for the consequences of the work of the AI Actors are encouraged to take all measures to determine the responsibilities of specific participants in the life cycle of the AIS, taking into account each participant’s role and the specifics of each stage.

Published by AI Alliance Russia in Artificial Intelligence Code of Ethics, Oct 26, 2021

3.2 Dignity

It is the duty of all members of society to mutually respect and protect this right as one of the basic and inviolable rights of every human being. Every individual has the right to protect own dignity: violation or non respect of this right is sanctioned by law. Human dignity (further: dignity) should be understood as a starting principle (principle) that focuses on the preservation of human integrity. Based on that premise, the persons to whom these Guidelines refershould at all times, regardless of the stage in which the concrete artificial intelligence solution isIdevelopment, application or use), keep in mind the person and his integrity as a central concept. In thisregard, it is necessary to develop systems that, at every stage, make it imperative to respect theperson's personality, his freedom and autonomy. Respecting human personality means creating a system that will respect the cognitive, social andcultural characteristics of each individual. The artificial inteligence systems that are being developed must be in accordance with the above, therefore it is necessary to take care that they cannot in any waylead to the subordination of man to the functions of the system, as well as endangering his dignity andintegrity. In order to ensure respect for the principle of dignity, artificial intelligence systems must not be such that in the processes of work and application they grossly ignore the autonomy of human choice. The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia emphasizes that dignity "is inviolable and everyone is obliged to respectand protect it., Evervone has the right to free personal development, if it does not violate the rights of others guaranteed by the Constitution. The Convention on Human Rights states the following: "Human dignity (dignity) is not only a basic human right but also the foundation of human rights." Human dignity is inherent in every human being. In the Republic of Serbia, this term is regulated in the following ways: "The dignity of the person (honor, reputation, or piety) of the person to whom the information refers.'it is legally protected.” "Whoever abuses another or treats him in a way that offends a human being. dignity, shall be punished by imprisonment for up to one year. "Work in the public interest is any socially useful work that does not offend human dignity and is not done for the purpose of making a profit." This principle emphasizes that the integrity and dignity of all who may be affected by the Artificial inteligence Systemmust be taken care of at all times, As it is a general concept, to which life, in addition to the law, gives different sides although the essence is the same, it is appropriate to attach to the concept itself: honor, reputation, that is, piety.


1. Right to Transparency.

All individuals have the right to know the basis of an AI decision that concerns them. This includes access to the factors, the logic, and techniques that produced the outcome. [Explanatory Memorandum] The elements of the Transparency Principle can be found in several modern privacy laws, including the US Privacy Act, the EU Data Protection Directive, the GDPR, and the Council of Europe Convention 108. The aim of this principle is to enable independent accountability for automated decisions, with a primary emphasis on the right of the individual to know the basis of an adverse determination. In practical terms, it may not be possible for an individual to interpret the basis of a particular decision, but this does not obviate the need to ensure that such an explanation is possible.

Published by The Public Voice coalition, established by Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) in Universal Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence, Oct 23, 2018