· Article 9: Diversity and inclusivity.

Promote the inclusiveness, diversity, and universality of artificial intelligence systems. Strengthen cross domain, interdisciplinary, and cross border cooperation and exchange, and solidify an artificial intelligence governance consensus. Strive to achieve diversification of R&D personnel and comprehensive training data for artificial intelligence systems. Continually test and validate algorithms, so that they do not discriminate against users based on race, gender, nationality, age, religious beliefs, etc.
Principle: Joint Pledge on Artificial Intelligence Industry Self-Discipline (Draft for Comment), May 31, 2019

Published by Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance (AIIA), China

Related Principles

· Article 12: Promote sharing.

Encourage open source and open resources such as platforms, tools, data, and science and education; share artificial intelligence development dividends and governance experience; strive to break data islands and platform monopolies; continuously narrow the intelligence gap; and advance the deep integration of artificial intelligence and the real economy.

Published by Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance (AIIA), China in Joint Pledge on Artificial Intelligence Industry Self-Discipline (Draft for Comment), May 31, 2019

Human centred values

Throughout their lifecycle, AI systems should respect human rights, diversity, and the autonomy of individuals. This principle aims to ensure that AI systems are aligned with human values. Machines should serve humans, and not the other way around. AI systems should enable an equitable and democratic society by respecting, protecting and promoting human rights, enabling diversity, respecting human freedom and the autonomy of individuals, and protecting the environment. Human rights risks need to be carefully considered, as AI systems can equally enable and hamper such fundamental rights. It’s permissible to interfere with certain human rights where it’s reasonable, necessary and proportionate. All people interacting with AI systems should be able to keep full and effective control over themselves. AI systems should not undermine the democratic process, and should not undertake actions that threaten individual autonomy, like deception, unfair manipulation, unjustified surveillance, and failing to maintain alignment between a disclosed purpose and true action. AI systems should be designed to augment, complement and empower human cognitive, social and cultural skills. Organisations designing, developing, deploying or operating AI systems should ideally hire staff from diverse backgrounds, cultures and disciplines to ensure a wide range of perspectives, and to minimise the risk of missing important considerations only noticeable by some stakeholders.

Published by Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Australian Government in AI Ethics Principles, Nov 7, 2019

(d) Justice, equity, and solidarity

AI should contribute to global justice and equal access to the benefits and advantages that AI, robotics and ‘autonomous’ systems can bring. Discriminatory biases in data sets used to train and run AI systems should be prevented or detected, reported and neutralised at the earliest stage possible. We need a concerted global effort towards equal access to ‘autonomous’ technologies and fair distribution of benefits and equal opportunities across and within societies. This includes the formulating of new models of fair distribution and benefit sharing apt to respond to the economic transformations caused by automation, digitalisation and AI, ensuring accessibility to core AI technologies, and facilitating training in STEM and digital disciplines, particularly with respect to disadvantaged regions and societal groups. Vigilance is required with respect to the downside of the detailed and massive data on individuals that accumulates and that will put pressure on the idea of solidarity, e.g. systems of mutual assistance such as in social insurance and healthcare. These processes may undermine social cohesion and give rise to radical individualism.

Published by European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies, European Commission in Ethical principles and democratic prerequisites, Mar 9, 2018

Chapter 3. The Norms of Research and Development

  10. Strengthen the awareness of self discipline. Strengthen self discipline in activities related to AI research and development, actively integrate AI ethics into every phase of technology research and development, consciously carry out self censorship, strengthen self management, and do not engage in AI research and development that violates ethics and morality.   11. Improve data quality. In the phases of data collection, storage, use, processing, transmission, provision, disclosure, etc., strictly abide by data related laws, standards and norms. Improve the completeness, timeliness, consistency, normativeness and accuracy of data.   12. Enhance safety, security and transparency. In the phases of algorithm design, implementation, and application, etc., improve transparency, interpretability, understandability, reliability, and controllability, enhance the resilience, adaptability, and the ability of anti interference of AI systems, and gradually realize verifiable, auditable, supervisable, traceable, predictable and trustworthy AI.   13. Avoid bias and discrimination. During the process of data collection and algorithm development, strengthen ethics review, fully consider the diversity of demands, avoid potential data and algorithmic bias, and strive to achieve inclusivity, fairness and non discrimination of AI systems.

Published by National Governance Committee for the New Generation Artificial Intelligence, China in Ethical Norms for the New Generation Artificial Intelligence, Sep 25, 2021

· 2) Diversity and Fairness:

Artificial intelligence should provide non discriminatory services to various groups of people in accordance with the principles of fairness, equity and inclusion. We aim to initiate from the disciplined approach of system engineering, and to construct the AI system with diverse data and unbiased algorithms, thus improving the fairness of user experience.

Published by Youth Work Committee of Shanghai Computer Society in Chinese Young Scientists’ Declaration on the Governance and Innovation of Artificial Intelligence, Aug 29, 2019