Revision of the Guidelines

Sony will review and evolve the Guidelines as needed based on national and regional AI related guidelines, changes in people’s lifestyles and environments, accumulation of practices in the relevant industry, and information exchanged with its various stakeholders.
Principle: Sony Group AI Ethics Guidelines, Sep 25, 2018

Published by Sony Group

Related Principles

Chapter 6. Organization and Implementation

  23. This set of norms is issued by the National Governance Committee of New Generation Artificial Intelligence, and it is responsible for explaining and guiding its implementation.   24. With actual requirements and needs, management departments at all levels, enterprises, universities, research institutes, associations and other related organizations may formulate more specific ethical norms and related measures based on this set of norms.   25. This set of norms shall be carried out starting from the date of its publication, and shall be revised in due course according to the needs of economic and social development and the development state of AI.

Published by National Governance Committee for the New Generation Artificial Intelligence, China in Ethical Norms for the New Generation Artificial Intelligence, Sep 25, 2021


5.1. Correctness of AIS comparisons. To maintain the fair competition and effective cooperation of developers, AI Actors should use the most reliable and comparable information about the capabilities of AISs in relation to a task and ensure the uniformity of the measurement methodologies. 5.2. Development of competencies. AI Actors are encouraged to follow practices adopted by the professional community, to maintain the proper level of professional competence necessary for safe and effective work with AIS and to promote the improvement of the professional competence of workers in the field of AI, including within the framework of programs and educational disciplines on AI ethics. 5.3. Collaboration of developers. AI Actors are encouraged to develop cooperation within the AI Actor community, particularly between developers, including by informing each other of the identification of critical vulnerabilities in order to prevent their wide distribution. They should also make efforts to improve the quality and availability of resources in the field of AIS development, including by increasing the availability of data (including labeled data), ensuring the compatibility of the developed AIS where applicable and creating conditions for the formation of a national school for the development of AI technologies that includes publicly available national repositories of libraries and network models, available national development tools, open national frameworks, etc. They are also encouraged to share information on the best practices in the development of AI technologies and organize and hold conferences, hackathons and public competitions, as well as high school and student Olympiads. They should increase the availability of knowledge and encourage the use of open knowledge databases, creating conditions for attracting investments in the development of AI technologies from Russian private investors, business angels, venture funds and private equity funds while stimulating scientific and educational activities in the field of AI by participating in the projects and activities of leading Russian research centers and educational organizations.

Published by AI Alliance Russia in Artificial Intelligence Code of Ethics, Oct 26, 2021

· 1. Foundation of the code action

1.1. Legal basis of the Code. The Code takes into account the legislation of the Russian Federation,the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts and strategic planning documents. These include the National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence, the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation and the Concept for the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. The Code also considers international treaties and agreements ratified by the Russian Federation applicable to issues ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens in the context of the use of information technologies. 1.2. Terminology. Terms and definitions in this Code are defined in accordance with applicable regulatory legal acts, strategic planning documents and technical regulation in the field of AI. 1.3. AI Actors. For the purposes of this Code, AI Actors is defined as persons, including foreign ones, participating in the life cycle of an AIS during its implementation in the territory of the Russian Federation or in relation to persons who are in the territory of the Russian Federation, including those involved in the provision of goods and services. Such persons include, but are not limited to, the following: developers who create, train, or test AI models systems and develop or implement such models systems, software and or hardware systems and take responsibility for their design; customers (individuals or organizations) receiving a product; or a service; data providers and persons involved in the formation of datasets for their use in AISs; experts who measure and or evaluate the parameters of the developed models systems; manufacturers engaged in the production of AIS; AIS operators who legally own the relevant systems, use them for their intended purpose and directly implement the solution to the problems that arise from using AIS; operators (individuals or organizations) carrying out the work of the AIS; persons with a regulatory impact in the field of AI, including the developers of regulatory and technical documents, manuals, various regulations, requirements, and standards in the field of AI; and other persons whose actions can affect the results of the actions of an AIS or persons who make decisions on the use of AIS.

Published by AI Alliance Russia in Artificial Intelligence Code of Ethics, Oct 26, 2021


2.1 Voluntary Accession. Joining the Code is voluntary. By joining the Code, AI Actors agree to follow its recommendations. Joining and following the provisions of this Code may be taken into account when providing support measures or in interactions with an AI Actor or between AI Actors. 2.2 Ethics officers and or ethics commissions. To ensure the implementation of the provisions of this Code and the current legal norms when creating, applying and using an AIS, AI Actors appoint officers on AI ethics who are responsible for the implementation of the Code and who act as contacts for AI Actors on ethical issues involving AI. These officers can create collegial industry bodies in the form of internal ethics commissions in the field of AI to consider the most relevant or controversial issues in the field of AI ethics. AI Actors are encouraged to identify an AI ethics officer whenever possible upon accession to this Code or within two months from the date of accession to the Code. 2.3. Commission for the Implementation of the National Code in AI Ethics. In order to implement the Code, a commission for the implementation of the Code in the field of AI ethics (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) being established. The commission may have working bodies and groups consisting of representatives of the business community, science, government agencies and other stakeholders. The Commission considers the applications of AI Actors wishing to join the Code and follow its provisions; it also maintains a register of Code members. The activities of the Commission and the conduct of its secretariat are carried out by the Alliance for Artificial Intelligence association with the participation of other interested organizations. 2.4. Register of Code participants. To accede to this Code, the AI Actor sends a corresponding application to the Commission. The register of AI Actors who have joined the Code is maintained on a public website portal. 2.5. Development of methods and guidelines. For the implementation of the Code, it is recommended to develop methods, guidelines, checklists and other methodological materials to ensure the most effective observance of the provisions of the Code by the AI Actors 2.6. Code of Practice. For the timely exchange of best practices, the useful and safe application of AIS built on the basic principles of this Code, increasing the transparency of developers' activities, and maintaining healthy competition in the AIS market, AI Actors may create a set of best and or worst practices for solving emerging ethical issues in the AI life cycle, selected according to the criteria established by the professional community. Public access to this code of practice should be provided.

Published by AI Alliance Russia in Artificial Intelligence Code of Ethics, Oct 26, 2021

2. Stakeholder Engagement

In order to solve the challenges arising from use of AI while striving for better AI utilization, Sony will seriously consider the interests and concerns of various stakeholders including its customers and creators, and proactively advance a dialogue with related industries, organizations, academic communities and more. For this purpose, Sony will construct the appropriate channels for ensuring that the content and results of these discussions are provided to officers and employees, including researchers and developers, who are involved in the corresponding businesses, as well as for ensuring further engagement with its various stakeholders.

Published by Sony Group in Sony Group AI Ethics Guidelines, Sep 25, 2018