Principle 3: AI should be comprehensible

Principle: "ARCC": An Ethical Framework for Artificial Intelligence, Sep 18, 2018

Published by Tencent Research Institute

Related Principles

1. Transparency:

in principle, AI systems must be explainable;

Published by The Pontifical Academy for Life, Microsoft, IBM, FAO, the Italia Government in Rome Call for AI Ethics, Feb 28, 2020

Second, the principle of security.

AI shall not harm human beings. AI systems must be secure, applicable and controllable. Personal privacy should be protected and data breach and abuse prevented. AI algorithms must be traceable and transparent and there should be no algorithm discrimination;

Published by Center for International Strategy and Security, Tsinghua University (Tsinghua CISS) in Six AI Principles proposed by Mme Fu Ying, Jan 23, 2019