· 3) Ethics:

Artificial intelligence should comply with human values and interests. We are dedicated to stipulating widely accepted ethics of artificial intelligence, proposing ethical algorithms and technical framework of product design in order to foreground the fundamental principles of inference and decision making.
Principle: Chinese Young Scientists’ Declaration on the Governance and Innovation of Artificial Intelligence, Aug 29, 2019

Published by Youth Work Committee of Shanghai Computer Society

Related Principles

Ethical Considerations in Deployment and Design

Principle: AI system designers and builders need to apply a user centric approach to the technology. They need to consider their collective responsibility in building AI systems that will not pose security risks to the Internet and Internet users. Recommendations: Adopt ethical standards: Adherence to the principles and standards of ethical considerations in the design of artificial intelligence, should guide researchers and industry going forward. Promote ethical considerations in innovation policies: Innovation policies should require adherence to ethical standards as a pre requisite for things like funding.

Published by Internet Society, "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Policy Paper" in Guiding Principles and Recommendations, Apr 18, 2017


Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) research focuses on the realization of AI, which is the enabling of computers to possess intelligence and become capable of learning and acting autonomously. AI will assume a significant role in the future of mankind in a wide range of areas, such as Industry, Medicine, Education, Culture, Economics, Politics, Government, etc. However, it is undeniable that AI technologies can become detrimental to human society or conflict with public interests due to abuse or misuse. To ensure that AI research and development remains beneficial to human society, AI researchers, as highly specialized professionals, must act ethically and in accordance with their own conscience and acumen. AI researchers must listen attentively to the diverse views of society and learn from it with humility. As technology advances and society develops, AI researchers should consistently strive to develop and deepen their sense of ethics and morality independently. The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) hereby formalizes the Ethical Guidelines to be applied by its members. These Ethical Guidelines shall serve as a moral foundation for JSAI members to become better aware of their social responsibilities and encourage effective communications with society. JSAI members shall undertake and comply with these guidelines.

Published by The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) in The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Ethical Guidelines, Feb 28, 2017

3. Clear responsibility

The development of artificial intelligence should establish a complete framework of safety responsibility, and we need to innovate laws, regulations and ethical norms for the application of artificial intelligence, and clarify the mechanism of identification and sharing of safety responsibility of artificial intelligence.

Published by Shanghai Advisory Committee of Experts on Artificial Intelligence Industry Security in Shanghai Initiative for the Safe Development of Artificial Intelligence, Aug 30, 2019


New developments in Artificial Intelligence are transforming the world, from science and industry to government administration and finance. The rise of AI decision making also implicates fundamental rights of fairness, accountability, and transparency. Modern data analysis produces significant outcomes that have real life consequences for people in employment, housing, credit, commerce, and criminal sentencing. Many of these techniques are entirely opaque, leaving individuals unaware whether the decisions were accurate, fair, or even about them. We propose these Universal Guidelines to inform and improve the design and use of AI. The Guidelines are intended to maximize the benefits of AI, to minimize the risk, and to ensure the protection of human rights. These Guidelines should be incorporated into ethical standards, adopted in national law and international agreements, and built into the design of systems. We state clearly that the primary responsibility for AI systems must reside with those institutions that fund, develop, and deploy these systems.

Published by The Public Voice coalition, established by Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) in Universal Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence, Oct 23, 2018