· Explain accordingly

AI models, products, applications, and services should, on the basis of continuous efforts to improve their own transparency and interpretability, further consider the cognitive levels, self needs, and expression abilities of children at different stages, provide the corresponding level of transparency and explanations, and provide children with effective feedback mechanisms and interaction methods.
Principle: Artificial Intelligence for Children: Beijing Principles, Sep 14, 2020

Published by Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI), Peking University, Tsinghua University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with enterprises that focus on AI development.

Related Principles

· 6. Respect for (& Enhancement of) Human Autonomy

AI systems should be designed not only to uphold rights, values and principles, but also to protect citizens in all their diversity from governmental and private abuses made possible by AI technology, ensuring a fair distribution of the benefits created by AI technologies, protect and enhance a plurality of human values, and enhance self determination and autonomy of individual users and communities. AI products and services, possibly through "extreme" personalisation approaches, may steer individual choice by potentially manipulative "nudging". At the same time, people are increasingly willing and expected to delegate decisions and actions to machines (e.g. recommender systems, search engines, navigation systems, virtual coaches and personal assistants). Systems that are tasked to help the user, must provide explicit support to the user to promote her his own preferences, and set the limits for system intervention, ensuring that the overall wellbeing of the user as explicitly defined by the user her himself is central to system functionality.

Published by The European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence in Draft Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, Dec 18, 2018

3. Artificial intelligence systems transparency and intelligibility should be improved, with the objective of effective implementation, in particular by:

a. investing in public and private scientific research on explainable artificial intelligence, b. promoting transparency, intelligibility and reachability, for instance through the development of innovative ways of communication, taking into account the different levels of transparency and information required for each relevant audience, c. making organizations’ practices more transparent, notably by promoting algorithmic transparency and the auditability of systems, while ensuring meaningfulness of the information provided, and d. guaranteeing the right to informational self determination, notably by ensuring that individuals are always informed appropriately when they are interacting directly with an artificial intelligence system or when they provide personal data to be processed by such systems, e. providing adequate information on the purpose and effects of artificial intelligence systems in order to verify continuous alignment with expectation of individuals and to enable overall human control on such systems.

Published by 40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC) in Declaration On Ethics And Data Protection In Artifical Intelligence, Oct 23, 2018


6.1. Reliability of information about AI systems. AI Actors are encouraged to provide AI systems users with reliable information about the AI systems and most effective methods of their use, harms, benefits acceptable areas and existing limitations of their use. 6.2. Awareness raising in the field of ethical AI application. AI Actors are encouraged to carry out activities aimed at increasing the level of trust and awareness of the citizens who use AI systems and the society at large, in the field of technologies being developed, the specifics of ethical use of AI systems and other issues related to AI systems development by all available means, i.a. by working on scientific and journalistic publications, organizing scientific and public conferences or seminars, as well as by adding the provisions about ethical behavior to the rules of AI systems operation for users and (or) operators, etc.

Published by AI Alliance Russia in AI Ethics Code (revised version), Oct 21, 2022 (unconfirmed)

Transparent and Accountable.

We will provide appropriate transparency to the public and our customers regarding our AI methods, applications, and uses within the bounds of security, technology, and releasability by law and policy, and consistent with the Principles of Intelligence Transparency for the IC. We will develop and employ mechanisms to identify responsibilities and provide accountability for the use of AI and its outcomes.

Published by Intelligence Community (IC), United States in Principles of Artificial Intelligence Ethics for the Intelligence Community, Jul 23, 2020