(a) Human dignity

The principle of human dignity, understood as the recognition of the inherent human state of being worthy of respect, must not be violated by ‘autonomous’ technologies. This means, for instance, that there are limits to determinations and classifications concerning persons, made on the basis of algorithms and ‘autonomous’ systems, especially when those affected by them are not informed about them. It also implies that there have to be (legal) limits to the ways in which people can be led to believe that they are dealing with human beings while in fact they are dealing with algorithms and smart machines. A relational conception of human dignity which is characterised by our social relations, requires that we are aware of whether and when we are interacting with a machine or another human being, and that we reserve the right to vest certain tasks to the human or the machine.
Principle: Ethical principles and democratic prerequisites, Mar 9, 2018

Published by European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies, European Commission

Related Principles

Proportionality and harmlessness.

It should be recognised that AI technologies do not necessarily, in and of themselves, guarantee the prosperity of humans or the environment and ecosystems. In the event that any harm to humans may occur, risk assessment procedures should be applied and measures taken to prevent such harm from occurring. In other words, for a human person to be legally responsible for the decisions he or she makes to carry out one or more actions, there must be discernment (full human mental faculties), intention (human drive or desire) and freedom (to act in a calculated and premeditated manner). Therefore, to avoid falling into anthropomorphisms that could hinder eventual regulations and or wrong attributions, it is important to establish the conception of artificial intelligences as artifices, that is, as technology, a thing, an artificial means to achieve human objectives but which should not be confused with a human person. That is, the algorithm can execute, but the decision must necessarily fall on the person and therefore, so must the responsibility. Consequently, it emerges that an algorithm does not possess self determination and or agency to make decisions freely (although many times in colloquial language the concept of "decision" is used to describe a classification executed by an algorithm after training), and therefore it cannot be held responsible for the actions that are executed through said algorithm in question.

Published by OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF MINISTERS UNDERSECRETARY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES in Recommendations for reliable artificial intelligence, Jnue 2, 2023

1. Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies should be designed, developed and used in respect of fundamental human rights and in accordance with the fairness principle, in particular by:

a. Considering individuals’ reasonable expectations by ensuring that the use of artificial intelligence systems remains consistent with their original purposes, and that the data are used in a way that is not incompatible with the original purpose of their collection, b. taking into consideration not only the impact that the use of artificial intelligence may have on the individual, but also the collective impact on groups and on society at large, c. ensuring that artificial intelligence systems are developed in a way that facilitates human development and does not obstruct or endanger it, thus recognizing the need for delineation and boundaries on certain uses,

Published by 40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC) in Declaration On Ethics And Data Protection In Artifical Intelligence, Oct 23, 2018


For the first time in human history, it is possible to create autonomous systems capable of performing complex tasks of which natural intelligence alone was thought capable: processing large quantities of information, calculating and predicting, learning and adapting responses to changing situations, and recognizing and classifying objects. Given the immaterial nature of these tasks, and by analogy with human intelligence, we designate these wide ranging systems under the general name of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence constitutes a major form of scientific and technological progress, which can generate considerable social benefits by improving living conditions and health, facilitating justice, creating wealth, bolstering public safety, and mitigating the impact of human activities on the environment and the climate. Intelligent machines are not limited to performing better calculations than human beings; they can also interact with sentient beings, keep them company and take care of them. However, the development of artificial intelligence does pose major ethical challenges and social risks. Indeed, intelligent machines can restrict the choices of individuals and groups, lower living standards, disrupt the organization of labor and the job market, influence politics, clash with fundamental rights, exacerbate social and economic inequalities, and affect ecosystems, the climate and the environment. Although scientific progress, and living in a society, always carry a risk, it is up to the citizens to determine the moral and political ends that give meaning to the risks encountered in an uncertain world. The lower the risks of its deployment, the greater the benefits of artificial intelligence will be. The first danger of artificial intelligence development consists in giving the illusion that we can master the future through calculations. Reducing society to a series of numbers and ruling it through algorithmic procedures is an old pipe dream that still drives human ambitions. But when it comes to human affairs, tomorrow rarely resembles today, and numbers cannot determine what has moral value, nor what is socially desirable. The principles of the current declaration are like points on a moral compass that will help guide the development of artificial intelligence towards morally and socially desirable ends. They also offer an ethical framework that promotes internationally recognized human rights in the fields affected by the rollout of artificial intelligence. Taken as a whole, the principles articulated lay the foundation for cultivating social trust towards artificially intelligent systems. The principles of the current declaration rest on the common belief that human beings seek to grow as social beings endowed with sensations, thoughts and feelings, and strive to fulfill their potential by freely exercising their emotional, moral and intellectual capacities. It is incumbent on the various public and private stakeholders and policymakers at the local, national and international level to ensure that the development and deployment of artificial intelligence are compatible with the protection of fundamental human capacities and goals, and contribute toward their fuller realization. With this goal in mind, one must interpret the proposed principles in a coherent manner, while taking into account the specific social, cultural, political and legal contexts of their application.

Published by University of Montreal in The Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence, Dec 4, 2018


AIS must meet intelligibility, justifiability, and accessibility criteria, and must be subjected to democratic scrutiny, debate, and control. 1) AIS processes that make decisions affecting a person’s life, quality of life, or reputation must be intelligible to their creators. 2) The decisions made by AIS affecting a person’s life, quality of life, or reputation should always be justifiable in a language that is understood by the people who use them or who are subjected to the consequences of their use. Justification consists in making transparent the most important factors and parameters shaping the decision, and should take the same form as the justification we would demand of a human making the same kind of decision. 3) The code for algorithms, whether public or private, must always be accessible to the relevant public authorities and stakeholders for verification and control purposes. 4) The discovery of AIS operating errors, unexpected or undesirable effects, security breaches, and data leaks must imperatively be reported to the relevant public authorities, stakeholders, and those affected by the situation. 5) In accordance with the transparency requirement for public decisions, the code for decision making algorithms used by public authorities must be accessible to all, with the exception of algorithms that present a high risk of serious danger if misused. 6) For public AIS that have a significant impact on the life of citizens, citizens should have the opportunity and skills to deliberate on the social parameters of these AIS, their objectives, and the limits of their use. 7) We must at all times be able to verify that AIS are doing what they were programmed for and what they are used for. 8) Any person using a service should know if a decision concerning them or affecting them was made by an AIS. 9) Any user of a service employing chatbots should be able to easily identify whether they are interacting with an AIS or a real person. 10) Artificial intelligence research should remain open and accessible to all.

Published by University of Montreal in The Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence, Dec 4, 2018

3.2 Dignity

It is the duty of all members of society to mutually respect and protect this right as one of the basic and inviolable rights of every human being. Every individual has the right to protect own dignity: violation or non respect of this right is sanctioned by law. Human dignity (further: dignity) should be understood as a starting principle (principle) that focuses on the preservation of human integrity. Based on that premise, the persons to whom these Guidelines refershould at all times, regardless of the stage in which the concrete artificial intelligence solution isIdevelopment, application or use), keep in mind the person and his integrity as a central concept. In thisregard, it is necessary to develop systems that, at every stage, make it imperative to respect theperson's personality, his freedom and autonomy. Respecting human personality means creating a system that will respect the cognitive, social andcultural characteristics of each individual. The artificial inteligence systems that are being developed must be in accordance with the above, therefore it is necessary to take care that they cannot in any waylead to the subordination of man to the functions of the system, as well as endangering his dignity andintegrity. In order to ensure respect for the principle of dignity, artificial intelligence systems must not be such that in the processes of work and application they grossly ignore the autonomy of human choice. The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia emphasizes that dignity "is inviolable and everyone is obliged to respectand protect it., Evervone has the right to free personal development, if it does not violate the rights of others guaranteed by the Constitution. The Convention on Human Rights states the following: "Human dignity (dignity) is not only a basic human right but also the foundation of human rights." Human dignity is inherent in every human being. In the Republic of Serbia, this term is regulated in the following ways: "The dignity of the person (honor, reputation, or piety) of the person to whom the information refers.'it is legally protected.” "Whoever abuses another or treats him in a way that offends a human being. dignity, shall be punished by imprisonment for up to one year. "Work in the public interest is any socially useful work that does not offend human dignity and is not done for the purpose of making a profit." This principle emphasizes that the integrity and dignity of all who may be affected by the Artificial inteligence Systemmust be taken care of at all times, As it is a general concept, to which life, in addition to the law, gives different sides although the essence is the same, it is appropriate to attach to the concept itself: honor, reputation, that is, piety.