· (5) Empathy and Altruism

Artificial Intelligence Models should be evolved to be with more Empathy and Altruism to establish a more trustworthy, reliable, friendly, and harmonious Human AI Society.
Principle: Harmonious Artificial Intelligence Principles (HAIP), Sep 16, 2018

Published by HAIP Initiative

Related Principles

· (1) Humanization

To create the Harmonious Human AI Society, Artificial Intelligence models and engines should be designed with the philosophy of Humanization to continuously strengthen their interactions with current and future Humanity.

Published by HAIP Initiative in Harmonious Artificial Intelligence Principles (HAIP), Sep 16, 2018

· (4) Artificial Consciousness

AI with different levels of consciousness should be gradually realized, not only for Artificial General Intelligence, and Super Intelligence, but also for shaping and refining human considerations of AI as conscious intelligent living becomings.

Published by HAIP Initiative in Harmonious Artificial Intelligence Principles (HAIP), Sep 16, 2018


Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) research focuses on the realization of AI, which is the enabling of computers to possess intelligence and become capable of learning and acting autonomously. AI will assume a significant role in the future of mankind in a wide range of areas, such as Industry, Medicine, Education, Culture, Economics, Politics, Government, etc. However, it is undeniable that AI technologies can become detrimental to human society or conflict with public interests due to abuse or misuse. To ensure that AI research and development remains beneficial to human society, AI researchers, as highly specialized professionals, must act ethically and in accordance with their own conscience and acumen. AI researchers must listen attentively to the diverse views of society and learn from it with humility. As technology advances and society develops, AI researchers should consistently strive to develop and deepen their sense of ethics and morality independently. The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) hereby formalizes the Ethical Guidelines to be applied by its members. These Ethical Guidelines shall serve as a moral foundation for JSAI members to become better aware of their social responsibilities and encourage effective communications with society. JSAI members shall undertake and comply with these guidelines.

Published by The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) in The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Ethical Guidelines, Feb 28, 2017


The development of AIS must be compatible with maintaining the bonds of solidarity among people and generations. 1) AIS must not threaten the preservation of fulfilling moral and emotional human relationships, and should be developed with the goal of fostering these relationships and reducing people’s vulnerability and isolation. 2) AIS must be developed with the goal of collaborating with humans on complex tasks and should foster collaborative work between humans. 3) AIS should not be implemented to replace people in duties that require quality human relationships, but should be developed to facilitate these relationships. 4) Health care systems that use AIS must take into consideration the importance of a patient’s relationships with family and health care staff. 5) AIS development should not encourage cruel behavior toward robots designed to resemble human beings or non human animals in appearance or behavior. 6) AIS should help improve risk management and foster conditions for a society with a more equitable and mutual distribution of individual and collective risks.

Published by University of Montreal in The Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence, Dec 4, 2018

Principle 3 – Humanity

The humanity principle highlights that AI systems should be built using an ethical methodology to be just and ethically permissible, based on intrinsic and fundamental human rights and cultural values to generate a beneficial impact on individual stakeholders and communities, in both the long and short term goals and objectives to be used for the good of humanity. Predictive models should not be designed to deceive, manipulate, or condition behavior that is not meant to empower, aid, or augment human skills but should adopt a more human centric design approach that allows for human choice and determination.

Published by SDAIA in AI Ethics Principles, Sept 14, 2022