Well being

A IS developers should consider impact on individual and societal well being as the central criterion in development.
Principle: Ethical Aspects of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, Jun 24, 2019

Published by IEEE

Related Principles

· Focus on humans

Human control of AI should be mandatory and testable by regulators. AI should be developed with a focus on the human consequences as well as the economic benefits. A human impact review should be part of the AI development process, and a workplace plan for managing disruption and transitions should be part of the deployment process. Ongoing training in the workplace should be reinforced to help workers adapt. Governments should plan for transition support as jobs disappear or are significantly changed.

Published by Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Canada in Toward a G20 Framework for Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace, Jul 19, 2018

VI. Societal and environmental well being

For AI to be trustworthy, its impact on the environment and other sentient beings should be taken into account. Ideally, all humans, including future generations, should benefit from biodiversity and a habitable environment. Sustainability and ecological responsibility of AI systems should hence be encouraged. The same applies to AI solutions addressing areas of global concern, such as for instance the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Furthermore, the impact of AI systems should be considered not only from an individual perspective, but also from the perspective of society as a whole. The use of AI systems should be given careful consideration particularly in situations relating to the democratic process, including opinion formation, political decision making or electoral contexts. Moreover, AI’s social impact should be considered. While AI systems can be used to enhance social skills, they can equally contribute to their deterioration.

Published by European Commission in Key requirements for trustworthy AI, Apr 8, 2019

1. Artificial intelligence should be developed for the common good and benefit of humanity.

The UK must seek to actively shape AI's development and utilisation, or risk passively acquiescing to its many likely consequences. A shared ethical AI framework is needed to give clarity as to how AI can best be used to benefit individuals and society. By establishing these principles, the UK can lead by example in the international community. We recommend that the Government convene a global summit of governments, academia and industry to establish international norms for the design, development, regulation and deployment of artificial intelligence. The prejudices of the past must not be unwittingly built into automated systems, and such systems must be carefully designed from the beginning, with input from as diverse a group of people as possible.

Published by House of Lords of United Kingdom, Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence in AI Code, Apr 16, 2018

2. Principle 2 — Prioritizing Well being

Issue: Traditional metrics of prosperity do not take into account the full effect of A IS technologies on human well being. [Candidate Recommendation] A IS should prioritize human well being as an outcome in all system designs, using the best available, and widely accepted, well being metrics as their reference point.

Published by The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems in Ethically Aligned Design (v2): General Principles, (v1) Dec 13, 2016. (v2) Dec 12, 2017

First principle: Human Centricity

The impact of AI enabled systems on humans must be assessed and considered, for a full range of effects both positive and negative across the entire system lifecycle. Whether they are MOD personnel, civilians, or targets of military action, humans interacting with or affected by AI enabled systems for Defence must be treated with respect. This means assessing and carefully considering the effects on humans of AI enabled systems, taking full account of human diversity, and ensuring those effects are as positive as possible. These effects should prioritise human life and wellbeing, as well as wider concerns for human kind such as environmental impacts, while taking account of military necessity. This applies across all uses of AI enabled systems, from the back office to the battlefield. The choice to develop and deploy AI systems is an ethical one, which must be taken with human implications in mind. It may be unethical to use certain systems where negative human impacts outweigh the benefits. Conversely, there may be a strong ethical case for the development and use of an AI system where it would be demonstrably beneficial or result in a more ethical outcome.

Published by The Ministry of Defence (MOD), United Kingdom in Ethical Principles for AI in Defence, Jun 15, 2022